Chapter 2: The Darkness Arises

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Silva regained consciousness, and the first thing she noticed was the damp, rotten smell that arose from the area she found herself in.

She opened her eyes, only to still see the blackness that surrounded her line of vision. Silva figured there was something tied around her eyes like a blindfold, and it was extremely tight around her head which caused her to panic even more. She struggled to loosen her legs and arms free, but they were tied tight with rope. Silva sensed a rough and hard texture on the ground, with what felt like solid rock. Is this some sort of cave? She thought to herself, Oh wait, I've been kidnapped!

Silva then noticed the faint sounds of yelling from the distance, and then they were getting closer and closer to her scrunched-up ears.

"So, you're telling me all this time that this elf is still alive? I thought Chieftain Leopold back then had reported her to be dead! What is this nonsense?"

"Perhaps he assumed that she was dead, but instead she sneaked her way through sixteen years! She's a runaway elf, at that."

"Well, well, well, we are lucky indeed. Right, Siab?"

"Diam, Anda kotor a mencurigakan busuk (Shut up, you dirty rotten fishy)."

"The fuck did he just say to me?"

"He called you a dirty rotten fishy."

"Well fuck you too, you ugly bastard! I didn't want to be stuck with you in this group anyway!"

"No need for your antics, Triggot. Let's just kill her and get this out of the way."

"It would be my pleasure."

Silva's heart stopped as he said those words. They were going to kill her. Why? She then heard a metallic sound piercing through her ears, and the ringing of the metal which appeared to be an unsheathing informed Silva that a weapon had just come out. This sent a wave of fear into Silva's mind as all she could do was wait for her impending doom. She couldn't cry out for help, as her mouth was sealed shut from the rope and cloth that tied it up.

"Aku akan melakukannya (I will do it)."

"What does he want now?"

"He says he wants to do it."

"You mean to kill her? Whatever, I don't care."

She held her breath a little longer, as an even nastier smell came closer to her, and it suggested that this was someone whose very presence could make Silva tremble. She knew possibly that this was her end, and as a last result, she prayed to God that someone would help her.

Someone, anyone, please help me! I don't want to die! 

And at that moment, she believed that her prayers had been answered. Then she felt a cold and sharp dagger go right through her chest, and with one scream of agony, she collapsed to the ground and said no more.


"Well, that was short and sweet, just how I like it," one of the voices indicated, and the figure of a man suddenly appeared from the shadows, with a green-colored mohawk haircut and a leather vest around his slimy and scaly skin. His name was Triggot, and he was a mercenary.

The woman wearing a hood and sleek black robes, and who had understood Siab's language was named Undyne, and she was a rogue mage of Magistrodt. And then there was the orc wearing only a tattered loincloth, the one who had killed Silva, and his name was Siab. These three were known as the Lovci Krve, or the Blood Hunters.

"Now that she is dead, we must return her to the one commander of Blazen's army and collect our prize. We will now be wealthier than ever before," said Undyne, and she gave out a sneering laugh.

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