Chapter 7: The Land of Ashes Returns

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Before the journey of Silva continues, we travel one week after the battle at Rolnik. The Blood Hunters have reconvened in the port town Sawiton, located northeast of the Orscińa Mountains.

"A pointless death for a worthless fish man," Undyne stated in a dark alleyway located on the port side of the town. Siab, Beatrice, and Kristen were all meeting there as well in secret. "I assume that the 'Blood Hunters' will be of no more, considering we all plan to split ways."

Siab stood emotionlessly on the side of the wall, seemingly unfazed from Triggot's death as he had never once thought of him as a good friend and companion. After all, Triggot was never interested in anything other than money or women, which differed from Siab since he was greatly devoted to his nation. 

"Aku harus kembali ke Az Vavuk (I must go back to Az Vavuk)," said Siab. "Ada banyak yang harus dilakukan sebelum terjadi (There is much to do before it happens)."

"What about the girl named Silva Dreida?" Beatrice asked. Her real name is Teresa, and she is a light magic user who had trained in Magistrodt, or as many people call it, the Magic City. Her heritage had originated from the capital country Alagonia, and she was born of noble status in Czahunlia City. 

She had a rare type of magic bestowed down to her called Light magic. This made Teresa into an exceptional mage, with her magic descending from several Light magic users in her royal family. The royal family, Nebésa, was a family that stretched through generations of the history of Czahunlia, dating back to the times where Odvaha Czahun the First was the king many years ago. They were not as highly respected now though, as many other royal families bested them in status and magic.

Teresa, one of the daughters of the noble family, had turned against her family's teachings. Instead of using her magic for the good of the royal family, she used her magic for evildoings. There was no moral reason for her madness, as she only thought of the weak and the strong, and how the strong should live instead of the weak since the weak had no place to live in the same world as the strong. 

Because of this idea of natural selection, Teresa was tempted to engage with her siblings in magic combat. They also were born with Light magic, but she considered herself to be the best, relinquishing mercy if they lost. Only four of her twenty relatives in the Nebésa light magic family had survived, and they now reside in hiding or amongst the ranks of the Czahun family for their Light magic prowess.

After Teresa had left Alagonia and would search for another purpose, she then met a man whom she fell in love with, and that man was a Goblin. Goblins are a race of particularly loathsome schemes, but some are kind-hearted and nonviolent. They are mostly neutral, but some are born a little different from others. 

When goblins were first created, they originated from the High elves, where their cells and DNA were a bit deformed from the cells of elves. It is a deformity that causes these mutated elves to have more greenish and wrinkled features, remaining with the elvish pointed ear trait. Goblins whose cells were pure born can never change back into what they once were, and they will stay as goblins forever. These goblins all live in the swamplands of Sotek-Obek, the land which they call their home.

These types of goblins also are nastier and less kind-hearted than the ones that originated from the elves, as they believed themselves to be once wise and beautiful, but now are lesser than before. Because of this, they take it out on other races besides themselves.

Sometimes there are happenings where a goblin's cells can recreate into cells of an elf. These are rare occurrences, as they must fully go deep into the water to come out reborn as an elf. If they complete this process, they can change from goblin to elf. Goblins returning to their original form tend to be more nonviolent and are also more secluded, as they know that after a while their goblin-like features are returned to them. It is during the nighttime where they turn into goblins and stray away from their elf-like features.

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