Chapter 5: The Faithful Meets the Sinful

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Now we travel back to a couple of days after Silva was captured and taken away from her small village of Rolnik.

It had been a long day for Isaac, as his work was getting even more tiring each day. So was the way of this life, he assumed. He spent most of his time skinning off pigs and chopping off heads. It was a most excruciating work for his muscles, as he felt sore during the beginning of his apprenticeship. He didn't care about any of that now because the orphanage was way more important to him.

He had awoken after sleeping with the kids to find that three people from the church had gone missing. First was a little boy, Kristen, then one of the sisters, Sister Beatrice, and lastly, the elf girl Silva Dreida. It was a terrible and sorrowful time for everyone, as they had lost others that they had cared deeply about. Isaac then made it his sole purpose to find the others, and he would find all of them soon. He had feared for the worst, and that was if they were dead already and were nowhere to be found.

When he was a child, his parents had disappeared from his life when he was at a young age. It was during a raid, where several raiders came and ransacked their house that was secluded in an area of wide and grassy farmland far away from any villages or towns. He was hiding the entire time, under a secret basement where the raiders never found, which held all their most precious belongings. He tried to recall memories of him and his family before that terrible event, but he could never find any.

After it had happened, he then wandered, hoping to find his parents somewhere, but he could never find them. He was picked up by a wagon in the plains of Západun, and from the wagon, he was transported to a monastery in Rolnik and had lived there ever since. Back then there were only a couple of kids at the orphanage, and they had all left before Isaac grew up.

That was until the incident happened. He was about five years old when the sisters came in with a baby in their hands. She had pointy ears and a patch of silver-gray hair on her head, which was much to Isaac's surprise since he had never seen someone that looked like her. It was an elf; someone that Isaac had not even known existed. Her name was Silva, and she was the one who changed Isaac's life for the better.

He had always found it difficult to live without parents, and throughout his life, he grew depressed at the fact that he didn't have someone that could care for him the way a father and mother should have. But when Silva came, his whole situation turned around, and he started to be happy again. They played together many times as kids, and Silva had grown up into a young adult right before his eyes, and by that time more kids started to arrive at the church.

There were twins, George and William, and another girl, whose name was Mary. He had always loved those days, where they would spend their entire day playing around on the coast of Rolnik and would never listen to their caretakers telling them to eat their vegetables or to get to bed. Now they were all growing up and finding jobs, which had resulted in them being more and more separated from each other. That was until Silva had disappeared, which made them very worried and distraught, as they thought of her as an extremely close friend and she was also much like a sister to them.

Isaac had now just entered the local tavern in Rolnik, and it seemed very empty for a late Friday evening. He got the usual and sat head down on the barstool. She can't be dead, he thought, she's tougher than that.

When Isaac looked around for some people to find his information, he saw that on the other side of the stand stood two men talking about with one another. "You hear what's been going around?" The man asked. "What? What's this all about?" The other responded.

"Well, I hearse that one elf lady whose was always sticking about this town is dead."

Isaac got up from his chair immediately and grabbed the man by the collar. "What the hell are you talking about?" Isaac asked in desperation. "Tell me what you've heard."

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