Chapter 25 Burning Memories

Start from the beginning

Sinon looked annoyed and aimed her sniper at Zora and Zora saw the red bullet line pointed at him, but he still didn't move an inch and more bullets started to flew past by him and he continued to stand there.

Sinon looked annoyed and aimed her sniper at Zora and Zora saw the red bullet line pointed at him, but he still didn't move an inch and more bullets started to flew past by him and he continued to stand there

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After a few more shots, Sinon had enough and run out of the bus and run through him and looked at him annoyed.

Sinon: Fight me! Come on fight! Or maybe you don't think I'm worth the effort?!

Zora: I think you got it all wrong. All I want is to compete in the finals. There's no reason  to fight anymore...

Sinon: Then go on and shoot yourself and get it over with! Or will that be a waste of ammo?! Or maybe you wanted me to shoot you, cause you thought it would even the score between us?! To you it's just a game! Just one stupid match! That's all this is to you, is that it?! A game? Well just cause you feel that way doesn't mean I do!

Sinon started tearing up and Zora looked at her surprised and think back on what they said earlier about going all out against one another at the finals and he looked down saddened and looked at Sinon.

Zora: I'm sorry. What I did was wrong. Sure it's a game, it's only one match. But still, that's why we have to give it all we got. It's why we're's how we live, how we keep surviving. If anyone should have known that, it's me. That's why Sinon, give me a chance to make it right with you. Let me give you the fight I promise...

Sinon: I swear if your messing with me...

Sinon saw that Zora pulled out his hand gun and she aimed her sniper at him and Zora just cocked the chamber back and took out one bullet and put his gun away.

Zora: Got any bullets left on you, or are you out?

Sinon: Yeah, I got one...

Zora: Okay, then let's have a duel. Here's the rules, will stand ten meters apart, you with your riffle and me with my sword. I'll toss this bullet up, and when it hits the ground we start. What do you say?

Sinon: Hang on, if we're 10 meters away from each other, it won't give you enough time to see the bullet line and react. And with my Hecate, I'll definitely hit you. At that range, I can't miss.

Zora: You won't know for sure till you try.

Zora smile at her and Sinon thought for a moment.

Sinon(mind): Why is he acting so confident? Does he has a plan or something? Whatever it is, I'm ready for it.

Sinon: Okay. If that's what you wanted, let's go.

Zora then walked away 10 meters away from Sinon and turned back and held his bullet up.

Zora: Okay, get set!

Zora then tossed the bullet in the air and took out his Photon Sword and got into stance and Sinon readied her sniper and aimed at Zora and the two of them stared off with one another.

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