He was amused as he saw everyone, Especially Cassie." Atty. Patterson, Am I right?" David asked." Yes." Atty. Patterson said." I'm Atty. David Harper. Elise and Cassie's cousin." David introduced.

" Very nice to meet you." Atty. Patterson said." Cassie already did the tests and the results are finally here. It tested positive, which means, she's drugged in that party... It's the same drug that was used on Elise." David explained.

" Party drugs are all over the place in West Brook. Detective Hayes, Officer Anderson, and I have been teaming up for years to find the source but we couldn't." Atty. Patterson said.

" I've heard you were Elise's lawyer at the trial. What happened? She said you were a very great lawyer." David asked.

" I know exactly why, it's biased." Atty. Patterson said.

" I've had Detective Hayes investigate them for a long time." Atty. Patterson said." What did he say?" Alex asked." Atty. Presley held the Judge's daughter captive. They used her to scare the Judge and make them win. I have all the proof in this folder. There's no way they are getting out of this case." Atty. Patterson said.

Everyone in the room looked at each other and smiled.
The next day, the Harpers went to trial. Isaak and his father was there.
Elise and Cassie looked at them.

" Ignore them, chin up, just keep walking." Jaeden said. Elise and Cassie did what they was told too.

All the Harpers glared at them and some of the media were there to document the trial. They felt a lot more confident as there's a new judge in town and replaced the old one.

When they were all settled down in the court, they started with Cassie.
She felt scared while Mr. Presley kept asking her questions.

The same questions he asked Elise 2 years ago. Cassie started finally realizing how much pain and fear Elise felt all those days.

" So you tell me, my son raped you?"   Mr. Presley asked." Well not exactly... Elise saved me." Cassie said.

" So then what was the reason you filed a case against him? He didn't rape you. He didn't touch you." Mr. Presley said.

" He drugged me. It's another thing." Cassie said." Maybe you're just drunk at the party." Mr. Presley said.

" I took several drug test just to have a strong evidence. Are you stupid?!" Cassie asked getting mad.

" Rape is Rape. No one will get rape if there's no rapist and a father who tolerates it." Cassie said looking at him from head to toe.

Elise looked at her with a smile. The Harpers gave Cassie a thumbs up and a smile as they were proud and knowing she said the right thing.

Cassie was told to return back to her seat and when she did, Elise held her hand tight while her other cousins told her she did great.

" Good job, Cassie." David said giving her a smile. Now it was David's turn to asked Isaak.

" Hello Isaak, I'm Atty. David Harper." David Introduced." Wait, you mean. Cousins?" Isaak asked and David nodded.

" I'm gonna ask you straight to the point. All you have to do is answer yes or no. Pretty easy instruction." David said and Isaak nodded.

" The question is. Have you ever had sexual intercourse with someone, even though they did not want to, because they were too intoxicated let's say on alcohol or drugs to resist your sexual advances?" David asked.

Isaak gulped, he didn't know what to answer." I didn't rape her-"

" It's a yes or no question Isaak. Did you use drugs for your sexual advances? Yes or no?" David asked.

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