Everything Is NOT Alright

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Previously on In The End... 

She felt like she was being controlled. Like as if someone wanted her to give in to her negative feelings again. She cried out in pain, clutching her chest.


As for Lila, she stayed home and claimed to her mother that Marinette was still a danger. She didn't feel safe with her around. But the real truth was she didn't want to face all of those people she lied to. How she used to have them wrapped around her fingers and the fact that she lost Adrien because of that Marinette who destroyed her wall of lies. She was angry, yet she was self-reflecting on her actions...maybe to a better person or plotting to ruin Mari again.

She clenched her fists.


Adrien looked straight ahead, seeing the cars and the endless road and small amount of pedestrians.

He felt so stupid for dating that wretched girl. His father would never approve of her in the first place. Really, a big nobody. He would sigh to himself.

Nathalie who sat a seat over from the model noticed his much sadder demeanor. She wanted to talk with him and assure him that he was not alone and that he could talk to her whenever he needed. She had seen the boy grow up without his mother when he was young and now up to this point, she felt like the mother he didn't have for the longest time. Too bad, she couldn't be that motherly figure who could praise him for every little thing he did.

Her thoughts would be interrupted by a scream of pain.

Both Nathalie and Adrien looked up to see Marinette clutching her chest just up ahead.

Adrien requested to have Gorilla stop the car.

He would hurry out just as the car stopped and went to Marinette's side.

She would faint right before his eyes.

And he would dive in and catch her with his arms. He would be kneeling right before her with her light body being cradled in his arms. The blond didn't understand why she screamed so loud.

Pedestrians on the street turned their heads and made their way towards the model and the baker girl. Mutters and theories would rise up among the gathering crowd.

"Wake up.." Adrien would whisper in her ear.

She didn't move.

He could see no physical injuries on her.

Maybe he could get some answers out of Plagg, but not at the moment where there were pedestrians around.

They would wonder if she was alright. Why did she scream? Should someone call for an ambulance?

All Adrien wanted was for them to go away. He would hold her with his right arm and use his left hand to clear the stray hairs from the girl's face. 

'She's beautiful..' he thought.

 How has he not noticed those beautiful lashes that made her, her. Or those pink lips that seemed so kissable. He would set the back of his hand on her forehead to check for any sudden heat surges.


He sighed in relief.

The girl in his arms made subtle movements. There was a slight twitch in her body that only the blond seemed to notice.

"Give her some space!" the model would yell to the crowd of people who had gathered up.

They would back up several inches. Still, this crowd of people wanted to help in some way. Then again, most of them were just taking pictures of the two and sending this to all of their friends.

Marinette woke up slowly to find herself in the arms of someone she least expected. The model boy. She did her best to sit up. She was fine on her own. Even if she did fall on the cement, a simple bruise to her shoulders and head wouldn't be the end of the world. "Wh-..." she held her head for a brief moment. It took her just a few moments to get used to her surroundings. She was only a few meters away from the Le Grand Paris. And a crowd around them both.

Adrien held her closer to his chest. He gave the crowd a look of warning. "Nobody call anything. I can help her."

She wasn't sure how to feel about this whole situation. Adrien was holding her as if she was his girlfriend, but she wasn't. Adrien making a threatening face that almost reminded her of Cat Noir when he was angry at something when she as Ladybug would get hurt. It wasn't like she hated him or anything, but rather felt he and her were just friends.

He would help her onto her feet and offer her a ride home.

But she would decline. She turned away from Adrien. She darted into the crowd, getting lost in there.

Poor Adrien wanted to go after her...


During this whole incident, Tikki laid in Marinette's bag. She would never tell Marinette how much danger she was now in. Hawkmoth knew who Marinette was and could possibly use that against her.

Remembering back to when it was the birthday of Nooroo, they had reached him...almost, but instead of reaching him, they reached Hawkmoth.

It seemed Hawkmoth figured out a way to reach each individual kwami with the help of Nooroo, but how? You would need three or four kwamis to do that.

To Tikki's knowledge, well she didn't really know much.

The guardians kept the secrets away from them for centuries.

The ladybug kwami would whimper softly. She was close to Marinette and she did not want to lose one of the kindest chosens Master Fu thought of choosing. She curled up in the bag.

"Give in..." a voice would say in her mind.

Tikki couldn't protect her. That pain would go through her and then through Marinette. She wasn't prepared for all of this. She could hear Marinette giving a cry of pain and feel them both falling.

Only a few moments later and she would hear several muffled voices...

Plagg was nearby and she felt that special bond she and him had. It was slipping away.

She felt the bag be lifted off of the ground and the muffled voices slowly becoming quieter and quieter and the presence of Plagg wasn't so strong. She needed him, but she also needed to know if Marinette was going to be alright after that fall.

They needed to go to Master Fu asap.

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