Road to Recovery

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A/N: Sequel to Forget.  The full story is on under the username Annah Woods but will be cross-posted here. 

Summary: After the events of becoming Miss ForgetMeNot, Marinette begins to slowly recover. Forgiving her so-called friends is a must. But that isn't the most difficult challenge she faces. Hawkmoth knows she is Ladybug and he begins targeting her. Tikki does her best to protect Marinette, determined to not have her akumatized again.

Chapter Title: Road to Recovery

Reminder: LBCNLBCN is a point of view/scene change.  


Her home wasn't too far away for her to have the need to take the city bus, but instead of going home, Marinette would go to see if her close friend Chloe was alright.

Ever since the events of when Marinette was Miss ForgetMeNot, she felt people trying to reach out to her. Then again, they would just back off when she turned to anyone and waved. Maybe they would see her horrible grotesque face again. Those feelings would hurt her. She really had no intention of hurting anyone. It was like she wasn't allowed to be human.

The people of Paris forgave the ones who were akumatized, but why not her? Ladybug returned to them and tried to fix all the damage she had done.

Marinette would try to clear her mind.

The blunette would approach Le Grand Paris, the residence where Chloe lived. She honestly couldn't believe that for the longest time, she disliked the blonde, and now they were close friends. Well, at least that's what she considered. She had let the blonde know she would be visiting her. So, she entered the beautiful hotel and walked towards the elevator. As she pressed the up button of the elevator, she would sigh softly. She forgot to get a little special treat for Tikki.

The elevator doors opened. And she stepped in. She would press the top floor button and stand in the elevator where she would get some privacy to herself with her kwami, Tikki.

"I'm sorry, Tikki. I.."

The red kwami flew out of Marinette's bag that she typically carried at all times. She would put her small upper limbs on the girl's lips, indicating that she didn't need to be sorry.

All they needed to do was to just bond again.

The elevator doors would open again and she would step out. Thank the universe that security cameras wouldn't be able to capture the kwamis on camera. The cameras would only catch the blunette talking to no one.

Marinette walked slowly through the curved hallways with the walls being a pink-red mixture and intricate designs that decorated the wall. And the white doors with silver handles that seemed to have been untouched for ages. Up ahead, Marinette saw the grand white doors which belonged to Chloe.

Tikki hid back into the purse. The bag would still be open. At least enough for the small creature to a lookout.

She would knock on those grand doors.

"Who is it?" the blonde's voice called out.

"Marinette!" she replied with enthusiasm.

"Come on in!"

Marinette carefully opened one of the doors to Chloe's room. Throughout the past, she really underestimated her. Chloe wasn't always a brat. She was just yearning for her mother who was away in North America. "Are you alright?" she asked.

Chloe was on her bed painting her nails white for some grand occasion. And for some reason, she decided to skip school for whatever unknown reasons. "Of course I am. Why would you think I wouldn't be alright?" she paid no attention to the blunette. Typical thing for Chloe to do.

"You weren't at school today and Adrien talked to me.."

At hearing Adrien's name, she didn't care if the small container of white nail polish spilled all over her bed. Her butler could clean it up and get her new blankets. Or wash them. "He talked to you? What did he say to you?"

"He kept apologizing to me."

"You haven't forgiven him yet, have you?"

"No, but Chloe, I can't stay mad at them forever. I don't want them to end up being just as hurt as I am now."

"Dupain-Cheng, you should know better. Staying mad at them is their fault. Not yours."

"But it's not right. Even if I do have a reason to be mean to them, what your saying goes completely off my values." Marinette furrowed her eyebrows slightly. "Anyways, I just wanted to tell you about our homework today. Analyzing sonnets of Shakespeare and performing them for the class. We have several weeks before this particular performance." she turned around from Chloe and left.

When the door of her room closed, Chloe facepalmed herself. "Pollen! How am I supposed to support her? I thought she would remain to be mean to me after all of this was over!"

"I haven't been in your presence for very long, my queen, but you must understand that someone as sweet as her won't be hurting you again. She is a special young lady like you are. You have to understand that friendship can last."

Chloe groaned.


Marinette walked out of the hotel, suddenly feeling light-headed. She was alright just moments ago and now she felt like she was going to collapse. She held herself up by a lamppost that had a poster of Adrien smiling and his fragrance next to his smiling face.

She felt like she was being controlled. Like as if someone wanted her to give in to her negative feelings again. She cried out in pain, clutching her chest.

What was going on?

The blunette would faint, only to be captured by a pair of arms before her body would hit the concrete...

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