Part 1

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I was running as fast as I could, thankfully it was late enough that there wasn't that many people in the streets

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I was running as fast as I could, thankfully it was late enough that there wasn't that many people in the streets. Also, it was Manhattan, New York so no one gives you a second look of why I was running. I dared to look behind me and saw that I lost who was chasing me. I looked ahead of me just as a guy came out of a building and I know it was too late to stop.

We collided hard and we hit the ground hard. "I'm sorry, are you alright." I heard the guy say.

Before I could respond I felt a hand on my shoulder yanking me back on my feet. Of course the enemy would catch up. The bad guy pushed me against the building and began to choke me. "Hey! Hey! Get off of her!" I looked past my assailant and at the guy trying to yank the bad guy off of me, he looked vaguely familiar.

No time to think about it I went into action. I broke the chokehold he had and began to fight him. I roundhouse kicked him and he fell to the ground. I then punched him to knock him out. I turned around and saw the guy I knocked into was still there with big eyes and mouth wide open. "Um, so goodnight." I said as I walked away.

"Wait, hold on." He grabbed my arm and on instinct I twisted his hand and put him to the ground. "Ow!"

"Sorry!" I let him go and helped him up. "You shouldn't really grab someone that you just saw put a man twice her size to sleep." Before he could say anything the sound of bullets broke the quietness of the night.

I grabbed him and began to run. We weaved through allies and finally stopped behind a closed Chinese restaurant. "I'm impressed that you could keep up."

"Yeah, well I do workout a lot." I looked around the corner to make sure it was clear. "So are you going to tell me what's going on?"

I looked at him and his brown hair was messed up from him running his hand through it and he had a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. His blue eyes seemed to glow in the dark. "Do I know you?"

"I'm an actor, you've probably seen me in some movies," he breathed heavily.

Then it clicked, "Oh, shit, you're the Winter Solider."

"Yeah, so are you going to tell why you are dressed like Black Widow? Or why you fight like her?"

"You wouldn't believe me if I did." I mumbled as I got my phone and dialed HQ. "Agent Cruz, code number 705. Need a safe house for tonight. One civilian witness, need debriefing." I was directed to take the civilian with me to the safe house and wait until an senior agent comes to the house. "Alright, Mr. Stan, you need to come with me."

"What? No! Tell me what's going on!"

"Look, I'll tell you everything just not here. We need to go somewhere that is safe." I see his hesitation, "Look we can do this the easy way or I can knock you out and take you there."

We made it to the safe house in Brooklyn and I made sure we weren't followed. "Okay, now can you tell me." He's frustrated and I get why but I'm exhausted. I've been on assignment for two months without resting. All I wanted is to get out of this suit and take a shower.

I sighed, "I'm part of a secret organization."

"What like the CIA or FBI?"

I went to the kitchen and got a bottle of water. "Um, kind of."

"What do you mean?" He was looking at me with a wild look in his eyes.

"Look, Mr. Stan, I can't tell you everything because it could put you in danger." I made sure all the doors and windows were secured before I went upstairs to take a shower.

"Please call me Sebastian or Seb." He said as he followed right behind me.

"Alright, Sebastian, I know this is strange and truly out of the blue but you gotta trust me that I'm the good guy and I will protect you if anything happens." I could see the worry on his face and I wish I could tell him more but I know this is the best. "So if you don't mind, I've been out in the field way too long and I need a shower."

After the shower I took the first aid kit and clean up the small wounds that I got after the ambush. I have a gash on my left shoulder that I couldn't reached. I sighed and decided to go across the hallway and knock.

He gave me a crooked smile, "Good evening, Agent Cruz."

"Jade, please call me Jade

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"Jade, please call me Jade. I was wondering if you could help me with something."

I put the first aid kit in his hands and moved my long brown hair out of the way. "This gash looks bad, you might need stitches."

"Trust me, I'll be fine. I just didn't expect that many guys to be there."

"How many were there?"

"Um, thirty at least. I was expecting just about fifteen."

"Can I asked what happened?"

"Well the guy you saw and the one that was shooting at us was the only left. I guess they were pissed about their friends."

After he finished patching me up, I grabbed a flashlight and did a perimeter check and doubled check the windows. Sebastian's door was closed but I kept mine open just in case I needed to get to his room quicker. I checked my weapons and made sure they were loaded. Then I finally allowed myself to get some sleep.

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