Donald looked at me suspiciously.

"As I said, no restaurant I haven't been to" I shrugged it off.

"Why didn't you tell me, I wanted this to be special."

"If it helps, I haven't been to this part of the restaurant before, never even knew about it" I compensated. And then he offered a low smirk

"I've known for a while now, I'm usually alone but it's nice being with someone for a change," he said once again proud of himself.

"This is a one-time thing, don't get too comfortable"

"Oh well, I have till the end of the day to change your mind?"

"I wouldn't count on time if I were you"

"We never know." He insisted

"Why don't you give up, not used to taking no for an answer are you?"

"Actually the opposite, I get turned down sometimes, some are funny"

"Really?" I rose a brow.

"Come on humour me," he asked

"Okay," I decided.

"There was a time I asked two sisters out at the same time, same place"

"You asked two different ladies, what's your excuse?"

"Don't judge, I thought it was the same person, twins are deceptive, they didn't even tell me what I did wrong, they just kept me waiting" he lamented making me laugh.
"It's not funny, I was so ashamed when I found out, I didn't even go back"

"Sorry if I find it funny, you just don't come across as the type to get rejected," I said not sorry at all.

"What are you implying?"

"I'm not implying anything forget I said that"

"I don't think I can" he teased.


The waiter arrived with our food while our little banter went on.

Talk about wonderful the food was.
After we were done eating we spoke vast and wild, I liked that he wasn't like those men who worshipped themselves and spoke in their glory.
He was able to hold a conversation without making himself feel special the entire night, it was quite the opposite and I must say it wasn't all bad. We had finished inside and were headed home.

"I loved the food," I said feeling the need to keep up a conversation.

"Me too, that's why I brought you here" he insisted, "it's a lovely night" he changed suddenly looking at the sky.

"I guess?" I replied, more of a question.

"You know you can say it," he said confusing me.

"Say what?"

"You had a good time, I can see that"

"Well yes I did have a good time but I don't find it hard to admit".

"You still haven't said it"

"Is that's what you want to hear?" I glanced him over smirking, but he just shrugged. "I had a good time, are you happy now"

"You are welcome". He answered nonchalant, earning himself an eye roll. "Look your car, we are here" he announced.

I pressed the button and unlocked it before approaching the car. He reached and opened the door for me.
"Thank you," I said.

"Ok, goodnight." He trailed off.

"Good night then" I offered and started the engine.

"Wait!" He almost yelled

"What, you want a kiss good night?" I teased.

"That wouldn't hurt, but no" he smirked.

"Then what?"

"I am inviting you to my house this Sunday," he said leaning on the car window.

"I said this is a one-time thing"

"Yes but cut me some slack, I made it worth your while didn't I, you just said you had a good time, come on." He stretched. "I am having a get together with some friends, we usually have these things every new month beginning and this month they suggested I host and I'm inviting you, it's a casual gathering with few friends nothing special, we usually watch the game and support our club and......" He rambled on and on but the only thing I acknowledged was a new month.

If it's a new month that means I have only this new month to reject going for that wedding if not I have to be there by next month ending.

"So what do you say Sunday? Promise you'll have fun".

"I'm not sure, I think I have something planned for Sunday"

"Oh come on" he let out exasperated.

"Fine, but by fine I'm not making any promises, I'll see what I can do"

"Great, I'll be waiting. I'll text you my address. See you Sunday" he said leaning off the car and stepping back smiling.

"Don't get your hopes up, no promises" I offered.

"Goodnight" he said instead, blowing me a kiss.

And I drove off smiling, with many other things on my mind.

Sorry people but I'll be going on a short break something I have to handle. So this means my writing will be stressed at long intervals, this will go on for few months.

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