Please I don't want to be the third wheel between them now.

"She'll be comfortable to open up to you then." I carefully suggested watching her eyes snap over me with a warning expression.Believe it or not,Reina haa a past experience in working as a volunteer in various NGOs working for the violence against women.From what I had guessed from her sublet words and gestures, I believe she herself maybe faced the situation like Karine and other victims.So, she can comfort or relate with her on the basis of her experience. Victims feel much more comfortable with someone who can connect with them from experiences. Also, in her time of vulnerability, it was Reina who gave her a ray of hope. Hence, I'm suggesting the notion.

Also, I may not be available to give her the needed attention everyday as I can get engaged in haunting Lucifer.

"You're going back tomorrow.You're much more professional to do that task."Reina sternly responded causing me to immediately stop my further words.

She doesn't want to talk about this infront of Andros Igor.

I again glanced at the back of Andros Igor whose facial expression is still unknown to me.Reina's signature blank expression is not helping the matter too.

What's actually going on between them?

"Azaleas,I believe we'll meet again tomorrow then.I'll be in the safe mansion at the afternoon tomorrow." I heard Andros Igor's voice finally spoking out as I nodded my head forgetting that he's not facing me.

"Did you met Don?"I questioned out causing both of their gaze to snap over me with a critical expression.

Well, since he refrained me from calling Mr.Ivano,I'll stick to calling him Don infront of everyone.We're a thing now, but I'll need heck of a time to call him out in his first name,in front of people.

"Do you call him that over his face?" I heard Andros Igor asking with a humourous expression causing a scowl to come over my face.My glare immediately shifted over Reina as she raised her hand in silent surrender.I'll stab her if she's the one to tell him about us.

"Oh no-no.No need to throw daggers at her. I have other sources and senses to know about you two." Andros Igor added in a smug tone as I exhaled loudly at his response.

Why does everyone loves to tease me with that man?

I heard a brief laugh pass through my ear causing a dirty look to send over Reina. I'll get back to you for it. Just wait. Your time will come Reina.

"He said he'll meet me here soon." I heard him replying to my earlier question as I huffed out in exasperation.Tyler is yet to discover about this and I'm ready to die by the mere vision of how he's going to destroy my mood.

The nightmare.

"Sorry, I got some work there." I heard the familar voice spoking out after the sound of door opening causing our focus to snap over the figure.I watched as he walked over Andros Igor and shaking their hands as a welcoming gesture.

"We were just remembering you, Don." I heard Andros Igor commenting in a light tone causing me to close my eyes for gaining patience.

Great.Just damn great.

"Is that so?" I heard him curiously asking out as I opened my eyes to divert the whole topic.

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