Chapter 47- One

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Rick kissed the top of Judith's head and wrapped Carl in a hug. I concealed Michonne in a tight hug, nit really caring what Andrea thought. She was staring daggers through us though.

"Promise me you'll be safe?" I said to Michonne.

She nodded. She was going somewhat away from the prison with Hershel, Carl, Beth, and Judith. She wanted to fight with us, but I figured she would be safer away from the prison and she could ensure the little group's safety.

Glenn, Maggie, Hershel, and Beth were in a group hug. They broke apart to go their separate ways and Hershel we t back to his cell, to plant the bible with some of the words highlighted.

I was going to go with Rick to turn the alarm off and everybody else was in riot gear and they were hidden to shoot The Governor and his army.

"Nervous, Jake?" Rick asked me as we were walking, he noticed my weariness. I just wanted to know Michonne was safe, I wouldn't find out till this was over.

"A little." I told him.

"I want him dead, too." He said.

I nodded and we continued to the room to start the alarm.

We got to the room and waited fir a sign to tell us they were here.

We sat for about thirty minutes before we heard an explosion and gunfire.

"I guess they're here." I said nervously, raising the automatic rifle I brought.

"Yeah." Rick muttered and placed his hand on the alarm, ready to pull down on it.

We waited and heard footsteps coming towards us and the annoying sound of The Governor's voice. Rick pulled down the switch and the alarm sounded. You could hear the gasps of his army.

We heard the group of soldiers run away from where Rick and I were. A few minutes later, we heard more gunshots and the sound of tires squealing on the pavement.

Rick and I high-fived in victory, even though The Governor was still alive.

Him and I walked back to the prison yard where the rest of the group was. Michonne ran up to me and embraced me into a hug, Andrea giving us a look once again.

Rick was clinging onto Carl and Judith and Maggie and Glenn were reuniting with Hershel and Beth.

Just then, a thought popped into my head.

"Rick! We need to attack him now." I told him, still clinging onto Michonne.

"Yeah, Rick. It would throw him off." Michonne agreed.

He looked at us and nodded. "Alright. We leave now. Jake, Daryl, Michonne, Glenn, and Maggie. We're all going."

Michonne and I nodded and ran to the car, everyone else following us. We hopped into the Dodge pick-up and Daryl slid onto his motorcycle.

Andrea and Carol ran to the gate and opened it to let us out. We drove off and Michonne rested her head on my shoulder. I laid my head gently on hers and waited while we drove after The Governor.

We drove for about half an hour when we hit a road block. It was The Governor's vehicles and walkers were surrounding the dead bodies of The Governor's soldiers.

No Governor.

We parked the car and shut it off, exiting it. We stabbed the walkers in the head. All the walkers were killed and we looked around, inside the vehicles for any sign of The Governor when a woman who looked to be in her forties jumped up on the glass of the vehicle.

WalkersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora