Chapter 5- One

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Jake's POV
I could've slept at least another eight hours. That was probably the most sleep I've gotten in one sitting this past week but I was still exhausted.

Tommy pretty much slept the whole sixteen hours which seemed crazy to me. He was still tired when we had to start moving.

We packed up all the supplies we gathered into our truck. I got a little teary eyed as we left the house where I grew up and where my parents and baby girl's final resting place was.

Tommy talked pretty much the whole time, mumbling anything he could think of it seemed. He talked about and to Gabby, she didn't answer and he was confused. I felt so bad for him.

We drove to a gas station to see if we we're able to salvage any gas out of the pumps and to have a look inside the mini-mart, looking for any food that could've been left. Amy stayed inside the car with Tommy and I armed her with a handgun while she checked the radio for a signal.

I slowly walked into the mini-mart. I paced slowly by all the aisles to make sure there were none of the infected lurking around. After the coast was clear, I grabbed some of the junk food, leaving the bread there since it had mold all over it, obviously it had been there a while.

After grabbing all the food and water a bag could carry, I decided to check behind the counter to see if there was a gun. Sure enough, there was, but it was being guarded by a man, a breathing man, a human man and what looked to be his wife and young daughter.

I slid the weapon across the floor so I could wake them up without the fear of being shot.

"WHAAA???!!" The man said as I gently woke him up. He grabbed for the gun that wasn't there, when he realized this, he swung at me.

"Woah there," I said "I'm not trying to hurt you. Are you guys okay?"

"Yeah, we're okay. Who are you?"

"I'm Jake Karlson, you?"

"Name's Ed, Ed Peletier" he shook my hand.

"Ed, where's y'all headed?"

"We were, uh, kinda hoping to find a group maybe head south?"

"Well we don't have room in our car, maybe we could find another car and y'all can follow us. We're headed to the country, my father's land, he has a nice cabin up there and I'm hoping it ain't as bad as it is here"


"My wife and... Baby, you in?"

"I should talk to my wife first"

"Alright, I should talk to mine too" I chuckled. "You got a bag I can stuff with some supplies?"

"Yeah" he handed me a bag. I stuffed it with some supplies as he talked to his wife.

I left the bag on the floor and walked out to the truck with the bags I had packed earlier.
I hopped in the drivers seat and gave Amy a little peck on the cheek.

"So, I found some survivors"

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