Chapter 12- Day

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Jake's POV
Daryl and I walked slowly into the woods. There was an extra compound bow that the group let me use since ni one else really knew how to shoot itul. I kept my arrow in the quiver since he had his crossbow loaded.

The whole group had ranted and raved about how good Daryl was at hunting, but he was breaking twigs and somewhat tripping then balancing himself. Something must've been wrong.

"Everything okay?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He mumbled back.

"You sure?"

He hesitated "It's Carol."

"Well sometimes women can be confusing. What's going on between you two?" I asked him.

He tensed up. "Nothin'." He told me.

"You can't hold in your feelings forever. You'll explode." I told him.

"Yeah." He nodded and bit the inside of his lip.

We heard a branch snap, we stopped and he rose his crossbow as I loaded the compound bow. A huge buck stomped out of the brush. I drew back and released right as he squeezed the release trigger.

We both hit it in the same general area- behind the shoulder blade. It tried to run but two arrows right in that area was too much for it's body, making it drop almost instantaneously.

"WOOHOOOO!!" Daryl and I said almost in-sync, high-fiving each other.

"You ain't that bad!" Daryl told me, making me smile.

"I learned from one of the best." I told him, thinking of my father.

We walked over to the buck and we both pulled our arrows out.

"You know how to gut one of these?" Daryl asked me.

"Of course I do. Keep an eye out for me though." I said, kneeling down next to the deer.

I cut the deer open and started to rip the guts out when we both heard some rustling in the trees.

I stood up fairly quickly and started to load an arrow into the compound bow as Daryl loaded his cross bow.

A large man ran out of the brush with two women and two other men. One woman was bleeding on her arm.

"Why the fuck is she bleedin'?!" Daryl screamed.

"She's bit but she'll be okay." A younger boy said.

"No she ain't! They all turn when they get bit!"

"He's right, Ben." The bleeding woman said.

"No, Donna, I can't lose you!" The other man said.

"Allen, you gotta be strong for Ben. Please just leave me here, or at least kill me so I don't turn." Donna said.

Allen sobbed, poor guy, I would lose it if Amy or Tommy got bit.

"I'll do it for ya, if you want. I can't imagine how painful that is." The large guy told Allen.

"No, Tyreese, she's my wife, I'll do it."

Allen took out a medium sized blade, whispered "I love you," to Donna and kissed her before digging his knife deep into her skull.

"You guys got a camp?" Tyreese asked.

Daryl and I looked at each other. "I don't think Rick will like that." I said.

"We're gonna blind fold y'all." Daryl said.

"Dad," Ben said.

"It will be okay." Allen said, still holding his wife. "We can't just leave Donna here."

"Watch us." Daryl said.

"NO! THEY'LL JUST EAT HER!" Allen yelled.

"Dad, she would've wanted us to, to be safe, to have a chance." Ben said through tears.

"Yeah," Allen stumbled over his words as he looked at his wife's limp body, "I guess you're right."

I finished gutting the buck while Daryl watched the new group. We then blind-folded the small group to take them to Rick, dragging the buck's corpse behind us.

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