Chapter 32- Leave

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Amy's POV
It's been awhile since the farm. I wasn't keeping track, I honestly didn't care. When we left Hershel's farm, Andrea was left behind. She's either dead or just... Gone. Same thing for Jake...

The only thing keeping me somewhat sane and alive was Tommy, I had to stay alive for him.

Back at the farm, before anyone noticed the huge herd, Rick killed Shane. Rick did the right thing though, if he didn't, Shane would've killed him. Patricia and Jimmy died too.

We were now holding up in a prison. Lori was ready to pop any second now. She was huge.

One of the things about the prison was we found a group of prisoners. Two were staying with us and the others, well, I suppose they're dead.

Before they even met the prisoners, Hershel was bitten. Rick seen no other option but to cut it off. That's what Carol and I have been doing lately, taking care of him.

The day after Hershel's leg was cut off, he woke up. Carol and I left the room as he talked to his family.

"I think that's awesome he's already woken up." Carol said.

"Yeah." I replied.

Then we just stood there in awkward silence. It had gotten somewhat dark and Carol and I both decided to put Sophia and Tommy to bed, as well as ourselves.

We woke up early and Carol and Sophia decided to go out by the gates where Daryl was. That left Lori and I to tend to Hershel. When we went into his room, he was awake!

"Hey, think I can get some fresh air today?" He asked.

"Sure, why not." I told him as Lori and I helped him out of his bed onto crutches we found and then outside.

Beth, Carl, and Tommy decided to follow us since everyone else was outside.

"You're doin' great, daddy." Beth told Hershel.

"Ready to race, Hershel?" Carl asked.

"You give me another day, I'll take ya home." Hershel told him.

Rick and Lori stared at each other for a couple of seconds. They weren't doing so good. I had no idea why.

Everybody glanced at each other and smiled, it was finally peaceful.

"WALKERS!" Carl yelled.

I looked behind us and about fifteen walkers were headed towards us. More kept piling in as Lori and Carl shot them. I grabbed Tommy and Beth, Hershel, Tommy, and I made our way towards one of the doors.

The four of us stood behind a chain link door. Maggie, Carl, and Lori went into another section of the prison. Sophia stayed close to T-Dog as he closed one of the gates. Two walkers sneaked up behind them. One bit T-Dog on the shoulder and the other bit Sophia on the shoulder.

Sophia screamed in pain as the walker kept feasting on her and T-Dog finally got the walker of of him as he shot it in the head and then Sophia's walker.

Sophia laid there, lifeless as Carol sobbed. T-Dog grabbed Carol and ran with her into another section of the prison.

Rick finally got the gate him, Glenn, and Daryl were at open.

"What the hell happened?" Rick asked.

"The gate is open!" I told him.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Maggie led Lori and Carl into there!" Hershel told him.

"But Sophia's dead and T was bit!" Beth said.

"Anyone else?" Rick asked.

"I couldn't tell."

"Stay put!" Rick ran off to kill more walkers.

The prison alarm started to go off, attracting walkers for miles.

"What's that?!" Glenn asked.

"Ye gotta be kiddin' me!" Daryl yelled.

Glenn and Rick shot the speakers with their guns.

"How the hell can this be happenin'?" Rick asked the prisoners.

"Gotta be the back up generators." One of the prisoners said.

"Well how do you turn those on?" Rick pointed to the speakers.

"There's three connected to a diesel tank. Each one controls a different part of the prison."

"Can someone open those gates electronically with full power?"

"I only worked in there a few days. I guess it might be possible."

Rick grabbed the prisoners shirt. "Come with us. Let's Go!" They ran off to another section of the prison.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Just wait here I guess." Hershel said.

We waited about ten minutes and the alarm finally shut off. Another ten minutes after the alarm went off, we seen Rick, Glenn, Daryl, and the prisoners come out.

"Hershel!" Rick said.

"You didn't find them?" Hershel asked.

"We thought maybe they came back out here." Glenn said.

Beth and I shook our head's.

"What about T? Carol?" I asked. They looked to the ground.

"They didn't make it." Daryl said.

"That doesn't mean the others didn't. We're going back. Daryl and Glenn-" Rick was cut of my a baby's cries.

Everyone looked to the door Carl and Maggie, who was holding a baby, coming outside.

Maggie's lip was quivering as she was trying to say something.

"Where is she?" Rick asked.

Rick walked inside where Maggie came out of.

"Don't. Rick, no." She tried to hold him back.

Rick stopped next to Carl and started to cry. "Aww, noo. Noooo." He sobbed.

Maggie cried as Glenn held her face.

Everyone else stood there in shock as Rick fell to the ground, crying and Carl just had a look of hurt on his face.

Rick finally got up and stood there, zoning out.

"Rick?" Daryl repeated waving his hand in front of his face.

Carl held the baby. Through the pain of losing his mother, his new sibling seemed to bring joy to him.

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