Proving my point, William had a quick breakfast, with Jaden and I following the suit. The eleven year old never even bothered to greet his father morning, let alone having a breakfast together. Once William had retired to his temporary office in a secluded room of the guest house, the said boy tugged my arm urging me to join him for the breakfast. 

The croissant tasted as usual, delightful, but I didn't had the appetite to savor the flavors, so I just sat there poking the food with the fork whilst accompanying the raven haired boy for his breakfast.
He couldn't eat alone, the only trait he takes after me. 

"Jaden" I called out, to which he instantly looked up to me with his eyes rounder and brow raised up questioningly.

"There are going to be a lot many guests in a little while, I want you to be at your best like you usually do, stay here just for a while, and.."

I paused, trying to speak as convincingly as possible. 
"You might even help your father with the guests."
at that, his eyes had the timid expression of discomfort resurfacing in them.

"Ohkay, I will. But just to let you know, I...." he batted his eyes a few times looking here and there, trying to form out a descent sentence to word out his turmoil that he usually experiences when asked to stay with William.

"You can go back to your room once a few guests are here. You need to be present for a awhile at least." I spoke softly, holding his hand that rested on the table and stroking it gently with my thumb.

" Alright, I will, plus I ain't planning to grill myself here amidst all the guests either." he said with a small smile that soon disappeared as he spoke faintly,

"I don't like funerals."
My eyes stung at his honest confession.  Such feelings were always harder to suppress.
They were even worse when suppressed.

"I know. I'm sorry that you've to go through this again,  but I promise it's for a short while."
He nodded as he stood up, grabbing his dishes and placing them in the sink, a habit of his that fills me with as much pride as it hurts. He likes to do his work on his own. It reminds me of someone, every time I watch him do that. 

 The next thing I know is he's standing there in front of me in his white shirt and black pants looking quizzical.
"You didn't eat." he says. I let out a small "oh" looking back at the croissant and toasts before lightly shrugging back at him. Before I could make out an excuse, he cut me to it,

"Let me say it for you, you don't have an appetite, simply because it's sweet" he said pointing at the croissant first and then at the french toasts, "and sweet" .
Yeah, he's right so I just smile and assure him to eat later. 

Something in the way he looks at me makes me feel as if he isn't just a young little kid. He has that way too familiar maturity and sincerity in his dark brown eyes which often leave me in an emotional turmoil. 

After taking a round of the arrangements for the ceremony and going through a certain deals with the staff  I went back to the bedroom to check myself one last time and when I returned back to the living room, William's Uncle and Aunt were already there along with William himself, his back facing me.

It was Aunt Susan who noticed my presence first. William glanced back towards me, giving me a waring-"where the hell did you go"- look as he held me by his side and I, as the sweet wife I am, ignored his stare and indulged in a conversation with the relatives. 

Though gloomy might be the correct adjective to express the atmosphere of the ceremony, it wasn't the correct word to be coined for the emotion that loomed in the air.

 Nathaniel wasn't the nicest of the person, but he surely was a one of the strongest persons in business, both financially and politically.
And that's what brought them all here, to be a part of his funeral.

𝑴𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒉é𝒓𝒊 || JJK   (Editing)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя