Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

"Do you think this is just some bullshit for you? You're playing with my best friend's life! Because of what? Fucking money?! How much do we owe you? Enough to mess up with my best friend's head? I won't let you, okay? I swear.."

[You swear what? Are you now really going to do something for your best friend? Or this is just another empty threat? I've had enough of this.]

"No. This isn't a threat nor an empty one. This is a mere warning."

[Should I be scared?] Then she freaking chuckled. I swear, I'm doing my very best not to drive off to the company and push her off from the 26th floor where her office was located.

"Sure. After my contract with Yuna, I'm quitting.. And I'll drag Ryujin with me.." I muttered through gritted teeth.

[Do you really think that Ryujin will leave the corporation just because you told her to? What kind of sorcery can you do, Lee Chaeryeong?] I know how precious Ryujin is to the company. She's the one who brings them most money anyway. I come second but, it never come close to what Ryujin's future 'clients' give off to the company. Most people who are after Ryujin are as obsessed as Hyunjin. They would literally pay every single penny they have just to have a chance with her.

"You think I'm not capable of bringing Ryujin with me? I'll just have to do my best to convince her that you're fucking with us." I said mimicking her sarcastic remarks.

[Oh, please. Do you think Ryujin is stupid? She knows. Trust me. No matter what you do, it would be in vain. A futile try. And you think I would let you leave? Not gonna happen.] I heard her chuckled.. madly. This woman, was obsessed.. with money.

"You can't stop me." I disagreed strongly.

[You think so? You think I can't? You think Ryujin will leave the company that helped her through all of the mess she was in before? The person who gave her shelter? The person who gave her all that she have right now? A good life for her daughter and for herself? Ryujin will not agree with you to leave, Chaeryeong. She's not as shallow as you.] I chuckled at her comeback. Me? Shallow? Pfft. I was naive back then. And Ryujin has prided herself not to accept any help from me. I would have gladly lended her all the things that she needed to survive and live with Zephora.

But.. there are also things that I've never regretted when I entered Girlfriend Corporation. And it was Hwang Yeji. The original reason why I've called her was because of Yeji.

"No. Ryujin might not agree with me but.. I'll make sure of it. And if I have to pay for all of the things you've helped her with, I would. You can just tell me how much." I pressed obviously stressed out. I even was pulling my hair while speaking to her. She has the audacity thicker than Donald Trump. And she has the pride deeper than the Mariana Trench.

[You sure does know me well, Lee Chaeryeong. But I can't and will never accept your offer. Ryujin is only 21. She still has a lot more years in the corporation. She would bring more money than all of you combined. I know you know that. Especially when you're not as open and adventurous as Ryujin.] She was mocking me. It was as obvious as daylight. She thinks I'm a prude when Ryujin never even slept with any of the people that the president hooked her up with. Ryujin can give anyone a slight smile exclusive for them and they would literally pay thousands of won for it. That's how the corporation works.  But of course, sleeping with them is a whole lot of another thing. A lot more money is involved. Though, Ryujin is not like that. She knows her limits but the president thinks otherwise; she thinks that Ryujin was sleeping around that's why a lot of people donates at the poll on the corporation's site. It's not Ryujin's fault that she had such huge impact on all of those people to kneel after her.

"I only agreed to be an employee in your corporation because--"

[Because Ryujin signed up, right? And as a very good best friend, you joined as well. Because you don't want to leave her alone by herself considering her situation. And then you enjoyed the attention from people.. and you realized that you would get to date Hwang Yeji even if it's just for three months when you sign under the corporation. Right?] I felt my eyes widened and I bit my trembling lip. I don't know why I'm embarrassed. I know why I'm nervous at the mention of Yeji and I though.

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