Crouching beside the corpse, Akito ripped a few golden strands from the divine feather and pressed them into the mortal wound he had inflicted, scarlet staining his fingers. He reached into his pocket once again and pulled out a small coppery disk— which was no bigger than a fingernail and felt sandy —to seal the feather strands inside the hole.

A smile curved his lips as he stood, casting shadows over the lifeless body of his dad and leader. “Let’s see what you turn into, oto-san.”

Unlike with his live guineapigs, this time the process started slow. His father’s corpse remained still for an eternity before the skin began turning a purplish gray and thorns— similar to the ones of roses but bigger, way bigger— sprouted like daisies in Spring from his arms. The hands grew in length as the fingers curved and hardened, becoming sharp talons.

If these were the results of turning dead people, then he should make more. By his dad’s new appearance, this type of monster should be a good match for the strongest demons.

Old Yamaguchi’s eyes opened without warning, revealing pools of milk instead of tar, while his three bodyguards entered the inner garden.

The men’s faces blanched as they looked from the still prone mutated old man to their young boss.

“What’s going on here, Akito-sama?” the closest bodyguard asked him, disbelieve and fright dancing in his dark coffee irises.

“Perfect timing, guys! I need a favor from all of you.” Akito’s lips curved in a dark broad smile as roots emerged from the five fingers of his left hand.

Mina finished feeding little Arian and laid him over her lap since the four-month-old boy loved to sleep hearing her unborn daughter move inside her belly

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Mina finished feeding little Arian and laid him over her lap since the four-month-old boy loved to sleep hearing her unborn daughter move inside her belly. At eight months of gestation, the small demoness had another four left before she could come into the world but already had her own tiny bodyguard.

The brunette smiled and hugged the boy closer. Just seeing him turn to his side to grab her swollen belly brought bloody tears to her eyes. Ariashka would be so proud of her boy. “If only your mother hadn’t left us,” she murmured, brushing Arian’s ginger hair away from his golden eyes without irises— the same as his late mother. “I miss her so much.” A scarlet tear ran down Mina’s cheek and fell to her white blouse before she could stop it.

The baby stirred at the smell of blood, but to her surprise he didn’t wake. He only put his thumb inside his mouth and kept sleeping, grabbing her belly with his free chubby hand. The tiniest of red scales had begun to emerge over his gray skin, forming patterns similar to the ones of his father’s demon form.

She wiped the blood from her cheek and licked her fingers clean as she watched the adorable critter.

Arian could have his mother’s eyes, but the rest of his little body was all Nockrish.

Mina’s lips curved with a small smile at the thought of the redhead incubus. Lately, the demonic bodyguard had been spending more and more of his free time with her and Vergil. Though, to be fair, she didn’t mind it at all because it meant she got to have Arian with her longer. Taking care of the boy for the duration of Nockrish’s shifts wasn’t enough for her anymore.

She wanted to be more than just Arian’s nanny.

She wanted to be his mom.

I’m sorry, Ariashka. I don’t want to usurp your place, but your son has stolen my heart.

She felt a soft kick from her daughter and the boy cooed in his sleep. Was her baby girl already jealous of Arian? The brunette burst out laughing before her cheeks reddened and she clamped her mouth shut. It wasn’t wise to wake the boy up.

Picking Arian in her arms, Mina stood from the sofa when a chill went down her back, making the little hairs in the back of her head stand on end. From the darkness of the living room a figure took shape before her. The demon of long white hair and glowing purple eyes summoned a falchion to his hands, the weapon shone with otherworldly light.

“I suggest you attempt a teleportation while you still can, princess,” the male said, sensing the enemy flood the hallway leading to their apartment. “I’ll cover your retreat.

Holding the baby tighter to her chest, Mina shook her head, her silver irises shining in the darkness of the room. “You know I’m a disaster using magic, Zafan. I won’t risk the lives of my babies like that.”

Her guard growled as he gripped his weapon harder. “You’re risking them anyways!” he said as the front door of the apartment opened with a loud bang and three monsters spilled inside.

A/N: Here I leave the meanings of the Japanese words.

1- oyabun= mob boss
2- oto-san= father

Song: In the Shadows by Rasmus

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