Chapter 7: The World Beyond

Start from the beginning

Their host moved to the other side of the bar. "Please people, eat and drink – you must be starving, and when you're satisfied, there are warm beds".

"I don't know how to repay you."

"Do not insult me Yordu. If you recall our last encounter, I owe you."

"There's no need for debt. Unity is the only true currency." Yordu said before gulping down some mead.

They heard the pack of beasts descending upon them, an embroiled pack of the wild and untamed. Riding atop of them were dark human warriors. Tattooed on their arms was the mark of Valezk – A dark red forked V that looked like a Serpent's tongue. They brandished large spears and the pitch black creatures they were riding on, a hybrid of wolf and horse along with the odd cavalbeast, were weapons in their own right. As they came close to the edge of the woods, they came to a sudden halt. They were avoiding the dense trees but also taking the time to sniff out the Guardian and her companions. Lucern held a crossbow at the ready, staring down the edge of a nocked bolt, ready to pierce through the hedge. One of their beasts let out an alien roar before the attack was abruptly halted. The pounding hooves of armoured horses flanked them and a metallic horn suddenly pierced the hide of the lead beast. Another humanoid, whistling the whole time, leapt off the back of her horse while wielding two ebony daggers. In a sudden move, she plunged them into the neck of the lead rider of the dark pack. Garwyn seized the moment to fire a burst of fire from her staff, enveloping a number of dark beasts. Lucern picked off an opponent in time for Halthar to emerge from the bushes. In one sweeping stroke he sent a rider flying off and readied for the next onslaught. At the back of the pack the last entertainer emerged. He paused his lute-playing in time to remove a sword and swipe at the backside of a hulking cavalbeast, sending its rider hurtling to the ground while it ran off screeching. As Garwyn readied herself for another wave, she saw a lone cavalbeast bearing down on the last entertainer. Lucern let loose a bolt yet it plunged into a dark warrior as it swayed in the wind and veered off the mark. The beast still continued to gallop at full speed. Halthar desperately looked on as he did not have the speed to help. Garwyn parried the blow of a warrior's sword, quickly striking him down to the ground as she quickly summoned enough of the inner way to let loose a fire bolt that caught the creatures head mere moments before it trampled the entertainer. He took a moment to recover, pausing with an almost empty expression on his face before whipping out a lute and playing. His melodic notes hit a crescendo, as he watched the last of the dark pack be brought down by Garwyn and her allies. To Garwyn's horror he continued to play as Lucern did a merry dance around the cavalbeasts, while the creature's head was in the throes of agony as it struggled to die. Lucern fired a bolt into its torso, all the while singing and reloading his crossbow.

"The beast was down,

The beast was down

In a fury we left it writhing in pain..."

"Stop singing! This is not the way."

Lucern fired another bolt into one of the brute's legs.

"Is this the way?" he asked as the creature continued to writhe in pain. Garwyn started to convulse. Halthar emerged at this point and quickly brought his sword down on the creature's head.

"Halthar, such sweet mercy. Is that the way, Lady Garwyn?"

At this point she heaved and emptied out the contents of her stomach. Halthar muttered in sympathy while Lucern smirked.

Halthar stopped to hug the lute player with one arm and grabbed the female companion with the other. Each were smothered in his scaly chest.

"Now, please where are my manners. Lady Garwyn, meet the remainder of our band: on the lute is our dear friend Matteo and the lady expertly brandishing twin daggers is our air-charmer Charamayn." Lucern said before turning to the still heaving Garwyn. "Please meet our Guardian and homing beacon for all of Valezk's dark agents, Lady Garwyn."

"It's just Garwyn. I never felt the need for titles, let alone when they are no longer safe."

As each of the group circled around Garwyn, they saw a lady of contrasts. White flowing robes against ebony skin, dishevelled but with a sense of grace and heavy fatigue but a spark in her jade coloured eyes. Charamayn commented: "We desperately need some rest, along with her Lady here. We passed the Misty Vale Tavern east from here and last I heard they owed us a tab."

They all wholeheartedly agreed before jumping on horseback.

"Shouldn't we bury their dead?" she asked.

"Like they would bury ours?....No!" Lucern replied.

Halthar loaded saddlebags with the spoils of their encounter, before they raced the sun to the east.

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