"Here wipe off" he said while hanging me his shirt. I Obeyed and slid on my shorts.

Chandler smirked and lead us out the door.

I walked with my legs apart through the halls.

Thank god everyone was drunk so they didn't even realize.

We walked through the party to look for Sam but there was no sign of him.

I haven't slept in over 24 hours. And I'm about to drop. Chandler is drunk as shit. So am i. We can't leave.

I tugged on chandlers shirt he tilted his head down "im tired I'm gonna go lay on the couch." I pointed to an empty sofa.

"Absolutely not." He slurred.

"Chandler I'm about to pass out." I whined.

I woke up to Chandler carrying me across the room.

I must have passed out. I squinted around the room. It hasn't been that long.

He laid me down and walked away.

I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn't even do that.

I woke back up which felt like an eternity later with a heavy body on top of me.

I groaned and noticed it was Chandler clinging to me like a koala.

What happened last night.. I rubbed my temples.

I looked around the room, there where bottles. Cups. Cans. And vomit everywhere.

Chandler was using my boobs as a pillow, his lips slightly parted and his hair having down over his forehead.

I could barley remember anything that happened last night. I closed my eyes and tried to remember.

I remember walking in..

Looking for the boys.

Chandler. my heart sped up at the thought.

He was with a girl earlier.

I started breathing heavy. But I had to calm myself down because I don't wanna fight again.

I relaxed my body and slowed my breathing.

My eyes fluttered a little and I fell back asleep.

I woke up to someone grabbing my arm. My eyes slowly opened and Chandler had ahold of my arm.

His eyes. I swear I saw fire on them. Not the good kind.

I gulped and tried to yank my hand back but I couldn't. He squeezed my wrist and I yelped.

"Let me look" he growled. Focusing down on my arm running his finger across it.

I could tell he was mad.. "Chandler im" he cut me off. "Save it clover please" he shook his head.

"You don't have to explain yourself to me" he sighed.

I looked at my watch and it was only 7:30. We've only been asleep for 4 hours.

My body was too tired to move and my eyelids were to heavy to keep open.

The room was dark but not to dark.

I felt chandlers body fall beside mine and pull me closer.

Just that put me back into sleep.

I could hear birds chirping but that was the only noise.

I could faintly hear someone whispering clover.

"Clover" they whispered. They sounded needy. Like they needed help.

"Clover wake up I need to piss" I finally made out the voice.

My eyes fluttered open to see a flustered Chandler on top of me.

After a few seconds I finally woke up to my surroundings. My legs were wrapped around chandlers waist pinning him down.

"I have to piss" he growled.

I felt him against me and at that moment I realized that in fact Chandler did not have to pee.

I smirked and tightened my legs around him pulling him closer.

He groaned and closed his eyes.

"Clover I have to." He hissed.

"Do you" I whispered in his ear as I pushed my body up as close as I could against his.

Chandler bit his lip and his eyes rolled back a little. And at his weak moment I took advantage to flip so I was on top of him.

I smirked. "Clover dont" he growled.

I pressed myself against him and slid myself in a slow circle. "Please" he begged for me too stop.

I kept the pace slow but genuinely pushed harder. Chandler groaned and threw his head back.

I connected my lips with his neck.

"Clover" he hissed. I moved a little faster.

I heard a hitch in his breath. And slowed myself a little. "Fuck fuck fuck" he moaned.

I felt his body tense and then relax.

I smirked at my little "revenge." And laid my head on his chest and waited a few seconds for him to come back through.

Once he did I couldn't tell if he was mad. And I'm 99% sure he was a little mad.

"This is the second time clover Daniel. That you Made me cum in my pants" he gritted his teeth.

I leaned up to his ear and whispered "next time don't let me catch you making out with a girl at a party and 30 minutes later finger fuck me" I slightly bit down on his ear and got up and walked away from the little hot mess.

I smirked as I walked out the door.

I flagged down a taxi and rode home and jumped in the shower. I've never felt prouder.

Make sure you like and comment thoughts. I probably won't read the comments bc literally there will be someone to complain about the sexual shit

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