The Mall part III

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Red Junior hated the mall with an all consuming passion. He believed that he hated the mall even more than his father hated boys who showed the slightest bit of interest in Scarlet. The mall was a completely unpleasant experience and he could not wait to get out of there. Especially considering that ever since they arrived at the mall he had to watch his sister throw herself at almost every boy she came across.

He watched uncomfortable as she hung on what Red junior assumed was a sixteen year old boy. Or at least he hoped he was sixteen. He could have easily passed for eighteen or nineteen a thought which made Red junior even more uncomfortable.

He walked over to her and said "Scarlet let's go."

"Just a minute." To his dismay then Scarlet leaned in and gave the boy a opened mouth kiss.

I did not need to see that he thought in disgust.

"Scarlet." He said sternly and then felt someone bump into him. Red scowled at the person and said "Watch it." The person then gave him the middle finger as he continued on his way. Red let out a sigh and then turned again "Scarlet lets go now." At any moment he was going to throw her over his shoulder and carry her out.

The boy whose name was John gave him an annoyed look. "Chill dude." He then looked at Scarlet and said "Who is this jerk?"

"I'm her brother." Red junior said as he took a step towards. "And I will kindly ask that you remove your hand from my sister's butt." Or I will remove it for you he silently he added.

"Sure dude." He said as fear filled his face. "I didn't mean to offend you." He then stepped away.

"Red calm down." Scarlet said.

"I better go."

"No John you don't need to go." She said as she grabbed his hand and tried to pull him closer to him.

John looked at Red and then Scarlet and said "Yeah I do." He then pulled his hand from her grasp telling her that he would call her later. Red junior then thought how about never but did not dare to say it.

"John." She called out as he walked away and then disappeared into the mass of humanity. She then whirled around to face her brother and said "What is wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with me?" He asked in disbelief. "You are throwing yourself at practically ever male in this mall like some cheap whore and you ask what is wrong with me."

Her eyes opened wide as she said "I am not a whore."

"Then stopped acting like one." Red junior spat out.

"How about you stop acting like a Neanderthal." She said as hurt look crossed her face, a hurt look that consumed Red junior with guilt. He began to hate himself for putting it there. "You are just as bad as dad you know that." She said causing him to blink in pain.

She then turned and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?"

"Away from you." Scarlet said. Red junior was about to walk her after when she then said "And don't you dare follow me." She then shot him a threatening look that froze him in his tracks.

Red junior then watched her storm off as he meekly said "Scarlet." She ignored him as she walked into the one of the stores. He quickly pulled out his cell phone to send her a text message only for someone to bump him into him knocking his phone from his hand. He tried to reach for his phone and then helplessly watched as it was kicked away from his reach. He was then knocked back as his phone continued its journey across the mall.

Red soon found himself knocked up against the window of the store as he lost sight of his phone and Scarlet. He then sighed "Perfect."

Lori arrived at a restaurant across town where she found Martha and a couple of friends waiting for her. A smile crossed her face as she saw her friends, it had been awhile since she had done anything with the two and was grateful for the opportunity.

"Hi guys." She said as she sat at the table. "Sorry I'm late."

"You are just in time actually." A blonde hair woman with crystal blue eyes said. Gloria Steadmore had been one of Lori's oldest friends and a bridesmaid in both Lori's and Martha's weddings. They two had been bridesmaids in her hers. Like Lori and Martha she was very cultured enjoying the finer things that their lifestyle had to offer.

And Lori hated to admit but ever since she married Pete she felt herself drifting away from her old friend. Not that it was Pete's doing. Pete never interfered with her relationships with her family and friends and she doubted she would ever allow him if he tried. But as time went on they just seemed to have less and less in common.

A waiter then walked over to the table carrying a tray that had four glasses filled with a red liquid. Lori was certain that they not only contained wine but probably the best wine that restaurant had to offer.

"Here you go ma'am." The waiter said as he sat a glass in front of her.

"Thank you." Lori said and noticed that her two friends gave her looks of disapproval. "So what did I miss?"

"Not much." A tan skin woman with dark brown eyes and long black hair replied. Maria Flores picked up the glass and took a sip of it. "We were talking about husbands and how stupid they can be."

"Especially the ones that we are married to." Gloria said and the three let out a laugh.

It was Lori's turn to give a look of disapproval, especially towards her sister. Osgood may be many things but stupid was not one of them and he deserved better to be labeled as such. He was not stupid when he paid for your two week ski trip in Aspen or when he bought you your nice, fancy car Lori silently said to her sister.

Martha shifted uncomfortably at the look of judgment from her sister and then took a sip of her wine.

"I must say Lori I am shocked." She said as she sat her glass on the table. "I would have thought you would have brought your kids with you." The two looked at her confused as a look of agitation grew across Lori's face. "My sister evidently does not understand that when you invite people over for a child free party it actually should be a child free party so it won't be ruined by misbehaving little brats.

"My children are not brats Martha." Lori said as she glared at her sister. "And they did not ruin anything."

"Yes they did with their constant interruptions." Martha said.

"I can't imagine sweet little Dawson misbehaving." Gloria said.

"It was not Dawson, Dawson of course was an angel." Martha's nose then wrinkled as she said "Your husband's kids were a different story last night."

"What happened?" Amber asked.

"Nothing happened." Lori said. "They were very well behaved and Martha is exaggerating."

"Well behaved." Martha said with a laugh. "Was that nephew of your husband's well behaved when he snuck out of the house, got himself in trouble with the neighbor girl, and almost got your husband in a fight with her father."

"He made a mistake."

"Yes he did like you did in not putting your foot down and demand that your husband ship him off to some other family members house instead of allowing that husband of yours and his family to take advantage of you again."

"You should not let him take advantage of your Lori." Gloria said.

Amber then chimed in "Martha is right you really need to stand up for yourself."

"I do stand up for myself." Lori said but her words lacked conviction.

Martha smirked. "Sure you do that's why you let Pete and his brood walk all over you."

"They don't walk all over me Martha." She then shifted uncomfortably in her seat as she thought about Pete allowing the boys to see that movie against her wishes, and how Pete has taken over rearing Dawson and she felt like she had little say in her own son's life.

"Sure he doesn't." Martha said skeptically.

"Look can we change the subject please." Lori said as she found herself wishing that she had just stayed home with Pete.

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