Timeout in the kitchen

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 "What was that all about?" Jamie said as they watched Red walk back up to the house. His wife scolded him as he went inside.

"Overprotective dad who does not want any boy to have anything to do with his daughter."

"I know the type all too well." Jamie thought how he had dated some girls whose dad's were like that. An uncomfortable thought went through his mind as he remembered one of the dad's threatening to cut his privates off with a knife if he dared look at his daughter the wrong way. What bothered him was that dad also claimed to be a devout Christian. Somehow he could not see Christ approving of threatening to mutilate people.

He then said "He kind of reminds me of dad and how he treated Claudia's boyfriends." An image of one teen being driven to tears by his father went through his mind. "Except dad wasn't so nice." He thought how the boy was so shaken up they did not even go out on their date. He just told her that he would call later and went home. He never called her again.

Jackson better be careful if he and Claudia ever decide to date he thought. My dad is not going to care that he is the son of his ex wife. Actually that will probably give him more of a reason to hate him.

"No he wasn't." He said as a chill went up his spine at the thought of his father He felt sorry for all the guys who wanted to date his sisters. Their father intimidated and bullied them, threatened to harm not even them but their families also. A couple of the boys he even handcuffed and made face the wall shortly before the date much to his sister's embarrassment.

He thought how all three of his full sisters went wild once they got out of the house and from under his thumb. It almost became a contest between them to see how many men they could sleep with to get back at their father. That was why Jackie had no idea who Jack's father was. He could be any number of men that she had a one night stand with. Men whose first names she barely remembered let alone their last names.

He was just thankfully that Claudia seemed to be making better choices in men. He just did not want Jackson to be one of those choices.

Pete looked at his young nephew who was peering out the window sadly thinking that chances were he would never learn who his father was. But that was why he did everything he could to be a good father to him. To give him the strong, godly male role model that he desperately needed.

They walked back into the house and Jack said "I'm sorry I went outside when you told me not too." His face was a mask of guilt and fear. He was sure that one of his uncles would take him to the bedroom and whip his backside for what happened.

"Uh oh." Jamie said as he placed his hand on his shoulder. "You were told not to go outside but went out anyway."

Jack's body began to tremble as he looked at his uncle. "Yes."

Claudia then said "I am sure he did not mean to disobey you Pete."

"If he did not mean to disobey Claudia then he would not have went outside against Pete's wishes." Jamie said and glared at Jack who studied the table. Jack then looked at his brother. "I think someone needs a butt warming."

"Please no." Jack said softly not looking at them. He thought how he had two last week and could not bear the thought of getting another one.

"Pete please don't." Claudia said her eyes pleading with him.

Jamie then said "He disobeyed Pete he needs to be punished." Jamie thought how Pete had whipped his butt for disobedience several times over the years. He had even spanked Claudia a couple of times when she was younger but not as often as Jamie.

"Yes he did." Pete looked at Jack. "Come over here Jack." Jack slowly got up his from the table and walked over to Pete with his head hung in shame. A satisfied grin crossed Jamie's face while Claudia looked at her brother in derision.

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