A momma bear's frustrations

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A half hour later Pete and Mickey returned home. Mickey called the other boys to help with the bags while Mickey carried two into the house and went down to the basement. Ricky came running out followed by Dawson and Jack.

He gave Jack a tight hug asking him how he was doing. Jack assured him that he was okay but Pete could see the hurt and frustration in his eyes. Once again he felt anger towards his sister for putting it there. He hugged the boy again assuring him that everything was going to be okay. Jack told him that he knew and went to help his cousins with the bags.

He made his way into the kitchen where he found Lori busy getting the night's dinner ready.

"Hey hon." Pete said as he walked in.

"Hey." Lori said not looking at him and then returning her attention to the stove. "Have you heard from your sister?" Her jaw tighten with tension as she spoke.

"No." He said shaking his head.

"Of course not." Lori said bitterly. "That would mean she actually had the capability to show consideration for other people."

"I'm sorry." Pete said.

"No, don't apologize for her." Lori said. "The only person that needs to be apologizing for Jackie is Jackie."

"I agree." Pete said.

"I however did hear from my brother."

"When is Harry going to be here?" She hoped that it was going to be before the party. The last thing she wanted was a deputy sheriff at her house when the guests arrived. Even if it was a deputy sheriff who they were related to.

"He's not coming." He said and then braced himself for the explosion that he was sure was coming.

Lori turned to face him and said "What do you mean he is not coming?"

"He called me right before I came in. He said he was sorry but he could not come over today."

"Why not?" The frustration in his voice continued to intensify with each sentence she spoke.

"I don't know he didn't say."

"Did you ask him what was more important than helping us deal with a psychopath who is abusing his nephews?" She said as a scowl formed across her face.

"No I didn't but I am sure that it was something important."

"What could be possibly more important than his own flesh and blood?"

"I don't know maybe police business."

"Police business." She said with a smirk. "He's a small town sheriff it's not like he has any real crime to contend with." Pete was about to say something but she continued with her tirade. "What he could not spare thirty minutes from his busy day of writing parking tickets and sitting on his butt pretending to be a real police man."

He looked at her in dismay. "Lori my brother does more than just write parking tickets and sit on his butt all day." He could not believe that those words had escaped from her lips. Then again he was surprised by a lot that she had said lately.

An embarrassed look crossed her face. "I know." She said as shame danced across her face. "I'm just upset about the whole thing."

"I know me too." Pete said as he moved closer to his wife. "But we can't let this get to us." He then hugged his wife tightly.

"I'm scared that maniac is going to do something to one of the boys."

"He's not." Pete said in an consoling tone. "I'm not going to let that happen." He assured her. He then looked at his wife and said "Harry promised us that he would help us with we just have to wait for him to deal with whatever it is he is dealing with." And I know it is important he thought. He wouldn't just bail on them for no reason.

"Okay." She said with an embarrassed look across her face. "I'm sorry I lost I just been under pressure with everything with Red and getting ready for the party." She thought how she wanted the party to be perfect, she needed it to be.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?" He asked and she gave him

"No I have it all under control." She said. "But thank you for the offer."

"You're welcome." He then gave a her kiss.

"Hey dad..." Ricky said as he walked into the kitchen. "Oh sorry." He quickly looked away shielding his eyes. I really wish I had not seen that he thought. Why can't they do that stuff in their room.

"Yes Ricky." Pete said with an amused grin.

Ricky slowly looked back at them hoping not see another display of affection between them. "We got the bags out of the truck and we filled the solar salt tank."

"Did you guys throw the empty bags in the recycling?"

"Yes sir."

"And did you clean up any that spilled on the floor?"

"Yes sir." Ricky said shaking his head. "What do you want us to do now?"

Lori then said "Why don't you boys go to your room and watch television until we call you sweetie."

"Okay." Ricky said and then hurried out before they started kissing again.

Once Ricky was gone Pete looked back and Lori and said "It's going to be okay. I promise." He then kissed his wife and headed out.

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