Lawnmowers and Timeouts

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            An hour later Ricky was already feeling worn out as he put the lawnmower back in the shed. He let out a sigh wishing that he could crawl back into bed but they still had a lot more to do. He looked back out at the Benson residence and saw Scarlet peering out the window watching him. He waved at her and she then waved back. He wanted so badly to talk to her.

Her father then appeared at the window chasing her away. He then gave him an intense glare causing him to look away.

What is that guy's problem Ricky asked himself. Oh yeah me he chuckled inwardly.

He then saw Mickey pushing the second lawnmower towards the shed. It was covered in grass and Ricky said "You forgot to clean the grass off the lawnmower."

"So." Mickey said with a shrug.

"Come on man you know dad wants us to clean the grass off the lawnmower before putting it in the shed."

"I'll do it later." Mickey said.

I have heard that before Ricky though skeptically. He always promised to do it later and then he or Dawson would always wind up being the ones having to do it. "Why don't you do it now?" Ricky told him.

Mickey gave him an annoyed look. "You're not the boss of me Ricky."

"I am not trying to be the boss of you; I am trying to keep you out of trouble."

"I am not going to get into trouble."

Dawson walked past them carrying the weed whacker as he said "I've heard that before."

Mickey then gave his younger a sibling a shove as he said "Shut up Dawson."

Ricky's eyes bore into his brother. "Don't shove Dawson."

"Stop telling me what to do." Mickey yelled at him.

"What's going on guys?" Pete said as he placed his hand on Mickey's shoulder. "Are we having a problem?"

"Ricky keeps trying to boss me around." Mickey said in a whine.

"I just want him to clean the lawnmower off." Ricky said. "And he pushed Dawson."

"I just gave him a shove stop blowing things out of proportion."

Ricky gave him a dirty look as he said "Like you are one to talk about blowing things out of proportion."

Dawson watched the two in amusement. He then saw Scarlet looking out the kitchen watching them. He could not help but smile as he saw her.

"I am not blowing things out of..."

"That's enough." Pete yelled putting his hand up silencing the two. "Ricky and Dawson start raking the grass."

"Yes sir." The boy's said as they grabbed the rakes.

Once they were gone Mickey said "Dad I..."

"Stop." He said putting his hand up. "You know better buddy. You know what I expect when it comes to the lawnmower and pushing Dawson."

Mickey lowered his head as he said "Yes sir."

"Come on." He said grabbing his arm escorting him up to the porch. He then placed his hand on his son's back as he faced him towards the wall of the house. "Twenty minutes in time out."

Mickey then let out a sigh. "Come on dad this embarrassing." What if Scarlet sees this he thought? She could be looking out the window watching them now. I don't want her to see me get punished like a little kid he thought. She'll never go out with me then.

"Be quiet son or you will have to stand for forty minutes."

Mickey said nothing he just concentrated on one spot on the wall as he began his punishment.

Pete placed his hand on the back of his son's head as he said "I love you son."

Mickey said nothing as he looked at the wall. He gave his son a look of pity and then walked back to the table where he sat down

Mickey then said "Under his breath I love you too dad." I hate being punished though.

Lori then stepped out on the porch and looked at Mickey briefly. "Pete when he is done the washing machine just finished and he needs to put the next load in."

"Okay." Pete said.

Before she walked back in she said "And Pete I think you really need to consider what we were talking about earlier."

"I will hon." Pete said. He then looked at his son thinking that he was giving it serious consideration.

What were they talking about earlier Mickey thought as a chill went up his spine. Realization then hit him and the knots in his stomach began to tighten. I'm getting a spanking today aren't I he thought. He then wondered if it was going to be a hand spanking or the belt. Please not the belt he thought. Not that I want a hand spanking either but getting beat with the belt was so much worse.

He desperately wanted to beg his father not to spank him but continued look at the wall instead.

Twenty minutes later Pete called his son over to him. Mickey gave him a nervous look as he asked "Am I getting a spanking today?" Humiliation went through him as he asked. He felt like he was still ten.

"I don't know buddy that is up to you." Pete said looking up to his son. "Do I need to give you one?"

"No sir." Mickey said shaking his head. "I'll be good."

"Okay then as long as you behave yourself for the rest of the day you have nothing to worry about it." He then took a drink of his coffee as he said "Go take care of the laundry and then I want you to vacuum out the cars."

"Yes sir."

Mickey quickly put the laundry in the dryer and then put another load in. He tried not to be creeped out by touching his mother's underwear but could not help it. He wished that his mom just had him do his and his brother's laundry and not his parents.

Lori then walked into the laundry room. "Don't forget to get the towels out of the bathrooms honey."

He looked at his mother in frustration as he thought I have to do the stupid towels too. That's like two more load he whined inwardly. "Come on..." escaped from his lips before he quickly cut himself off in midsentence not wanting to get in trouble. A humbled look crossed his face and he said "Yes ma'am."

An annoyed look crossed Lori's face. "Honey they are part of the laundry and it's your job to do the laundry."

"Yes ma'am." He said not hiding his disdain.

She then crossed her arms determined not to let up on the boy. "Mickey I do five or more loads every Saturday, it's not going to kill you to do it once."

It just might Ricky thought but did not dare say.

"Yes ma'am." He said again hoping that she would leave him alone before he said something that would get him in trouble.

Lori was far from finished as she said "We all do chores that we don't like and a part of being an adult is to do them without complaining. Now you have a choice you can do the laundry as your told or I can call your father in here have him whip your backside and ground you for the next two weeks and then have you will still do the laundry." She then asked "What is it going to be?"

"I will do the laundry mom." He said in a contrite tone. His body began to shake with fear as he thought any moment she would call his dad in to whip him. I'll do it he thought just don't call dad in.

"Then you better get to it."

"Yes ma'am." Mickey as he grabbed the laundry basket to get the load of towels.

He then found himself praying. Please God don't let me get a spanking today. I don't want to be spanked.

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