Trouble in the backyard

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The dining room was filled with laughter as Ricky cautiously walked in. hated to disturb his parents and the other adults but he needed to talk to them. Nervousness filled him as a part of him wanted to head back to his room before he got into trouble.

Lori looked up from the table and said "Everything okay sweetie."

Martha gave Ricky a venomous look and he quickly avoided her gaze.

"Hey buddy what is up?" Pete said and then gave Martha an annoyed look.

"Can I talk to you dad?" Ricky said nervously.

"Of course buddy." Pete said. "Excuse me for a minute." He put his arm around Ricky and led him out of the room.

Martha shook her head and said "So much for our adults only dinner party.

Lori shot her dirty look and then resumed the conversation that they were having.

"Sorry for interrupting sir." Ricky said hoping that he did not earn himself a grounding by coming out of his room.

"That's okay." Pete said. "Actually I am grateful for the distraction. I got sick of listening to your Uncle Osgood talk about their vacation to Monaco." He cringed at thought of having to go back and listen to the rest of his story. "What's up, is everyone behaving themselves?" He then thought about Mickey. The boy had been behaved for the last couple of hours but he was certain he was going to be spanking him before the night was done.

"Yeah we're all being good."

"Even Mickey?"

"Yeah even Mickey." Ricky then smiled. "Surprisingly enough.

"That's good." He then looked at his son in concern as he asked "What's wrong?"

"My arms are killing me." Ricky said as he rubbed his right shoulder.

"Oh." Pete said. "From all that tree cutting you did."

"Yes sir."

"Come into my bathroom." Pete said and they walked into the master bedroom. They went into the bathroom where Pete opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a bottle of aspirin. He looked at the directions and said "Let's see eighteen and under take one pill every eight hours." He was tempted to give the boy two but decided against it. He handed a pill to him and then grabbed at a plastic cup and filled it with water. "Here you go."

"Thank you." He wondered when his parents were going to trust them to take medicine on their own.

"No problem."

Ricky popped the pill in his mouth as Pete put the bottle back in the cabinet.

"How is Jack doing?" Pete said with a look of concern across his face.

"He's a little frustrated with his mom but he is doing okay." Ricky said and then finished off the cup of water. He then tossed the empty cup into a blue wastebasket.

"I am sure he is." Pete thought how he was pretty frustrated with her too. "Come on I want to check on the others before heading back to the party." Which I really don't want to do he thought. He did not like Lori's friends and did not want to spend another minute with them. He was just glad that his brother and sister were there.

He gave Ricky a small slap on the backside as they walked out. They opened the door where they found Mickey and Dawson sitting on bean bag chairs watching television.

"Where's Jack?"

A surprised look crossed his face as he said "He was here when I left."

Mickey then said "He said he needed to go for a walk."

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