The Mall part I

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There was only one theater in their town. It only had two screens which only showed movies that had already been out for six or more months. So if the citizens of the town wanted to see Hollywood's newest release they had to go to the mall which was twenty minutes away.

The movie was starting at two thirty. Pete dropped them off at the Bakers County mall shortly after two after taking Lori home. He walked them up to the mall entrance as he said "Okay boys I want you to be on your best behavior."

"We know dad." Mickey said a bit impatient. "You tell us that all the time."

"Yes I am telling you again." Pete said giving the boy an annoyed look. "If you have a problem with that son maybe you need just need to go home. I am sure that I can find some chores for you to do this afternoon."

"No sir I don't have problem." Mickey said giving his father a nervous look.

"Then keep your comments to yourself." Before you really regret it he thought.

"Yes sir." He said and looked away.

Always got to open your mouth and get yourself in trouble don't you Ricky thought as he looked at his brother in dismay. How he does not get spanked everyday is beyond me. He thought how he would not survive in the Moore household. An image of Faith went through his mind and he found himself hoping that she was okay.

He then saw Ben's nervous look again. He hoped that he was okay too.

"You okay buddy." Pete said as he saw the flash of sadness across his son.

"Yes sir." Ricky said. "I was just thinking about Faith."

Jack and Dawson both let out smirks which earned them annoyed looks.

"I am sure she is okay." Pete said. I'm just glad that you are capable of thinking of someone other than Scarlet.

Mickey then said "I hope Scarlet is okay."

"Me too." Jack said and Pete had restrained himself from rolling eyes.

"I am sure that she is fine too boys." He just hoped that the she did not happen to be at the mall. The last thing he needed was his boys talking to her at the mall getting her father riled up again. "Remember you are not to talk to her if you happen to see her."

He could tell the boys did not like that but they agreed. He then told them that he wanted them to stay together. Or at least in groups of two even going to the bathroom. He knew that was slightly overprotective but some bad things had happened to teenagers at the mall recently and he wanted to make sure they were safe.

"I will pick you up at five thirty." Pete said. "I expect you to be waiting for me at this entrance." He then looked to see which entrance reminding himself to be at the correct one. "If I have to go looking for you boys I am not going to be happy."

"Yes sir." They said as tensioned filled them.

"Alright guys I've tormented you enough you can head in." He gave each boy a hug and small slap on the bottom as he sent them on their way. "Have fun."

He watched the boys head into the mall and then braced himself as he walked to the car. Despite the fact her claims that she was okay with them going to see the movie he had a feeling that Lori was far from okay. And that she would probably let him know that soon.

He got into the car and pulled out his cell phone to let Lori know that he was on his way home. A twinge of excitement went through him at the thought of spending some time with his wife without the boys around. It was not something that they got to do often.

"Hey Pete." Lori said sounding a lot happier than she did earlier. He wondered if she had decided to forgive him for the crime of letting the boys see a movie she did not approve of.

"Hey Lori I just dropped the boys off and I am on my home." He said as he started the car. "We have a child free afternoon so what you like to do."

She said uncomfortably. "Martha called and invited me to tea with her and a couple of her friends."

Disappointment filled him as he said "Oh. It's just I thought...." He then quickly cut himself off. One thing he learned in his short marriage to Lori was not to get in the way of her relationship with her sister. No matter how much Martha frustrated and annoyed her she came first. Even Dawson had said that he knew his mom was Martha's sister first and mom to him second.

"I'm really sorry." Lori said. "She said that she really needed a girls get together and I said yes."

"It's okay." Pete said as lump formed in his throat. "Maybe we can do something tonight."

"Yes of course." Lori said. "Again I am sorry Pete."

"It's fine." He said not too convincingly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Lori said and then hung up.

Pete sighed in resignation as he tossed his phone back on the passenger seat. He looked at the mall wondering if he should join the boys. If he could not spend time with his wife he could at least spend some quality time with his sons.

Buthe then decided against it and pulled out of the parking lot.

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