The old debate

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Pete took in a deep breath as he walked back into the dining room. Allstair was still dominating the conversation talking about his visit to the Louvre last spring and seeing some overpriced painting that he considered a masterpiece. The dinner guests were captivated by his story including Lori.

Most of the guests at least. Both Jamie and Claudia seemed bored out of their minds. Claudia was trying to show interest but Jamie had his head down and looking at what he assumed was his phone. His first impulse was to scold Jamie for his rudeness but he refrained realizing that was the only thing helping him behave.

Lori looked at him and asked "Is everything okay with Jack?"

Alistair looked incensed at being interrupted. Lori also earned glares from Martha and a couple of other guests. Susan Taylor said how rude to her husband in a low whisper which was not as low as she thought.

"He's fine." Pete said as he took a sip of his wine.

Jamie looked up from his phone and looked at his brother in dismay. "You mean you didn't whip him for it."

"Not now Jamie." Pete said forcefully.

"Whip him?" Mister Taylor said in disgust. "You use corporal punishment on your boys?"

Susan then said "Barbaric." Her eyes shot invisible daggers at Peter.

"What do you expect from his kind?" The guest next to her said.

His kind Pete thought. What was that suppose to mean.

"I can't believe you didn't spank him Pete." Jamie said. He shot his brother a look of disappointment. He should not be sitting down right now Jamie thought.

Claudia put her hand on her brother and said "Jamie please stop."

"If that had been me when I was his age you would have paddled my backside without a second thought."

"Jamie." Lori said forcefully.

"Jamie calm down." He said. Jamie was about to open his mouth again when his brother gave him an icy stare. "Calm down."

"Fine." He said and looked away.

"Monster." Susan said as he glared at him.

Pete let out a sigh as he said "Yes I spank my boys as well as the two young adults at this table and others over the years. No it is not barbaric and no I am not a monster. What I am is a good father, a good uncle, and good brother who did what he was right for the benefit of those he was entrusted with." Pete felt a tide of anger rise inside of him. "You may disagree my parenting techniques fine that is your right but you don't come into my house and judge me for it." He flashed the Taylors a look of anger.

He then looked at Jamie and said "And yes Jamie I showed Jack mercy, just like I showed you mercy many times of over the years which you seem to have forgotten. You are focusing on the times I spanked you but not all the times I could have given you a whipping but didn't. And I think you that you should be grateful that I am a man capable of showing mercy."

' Guilt crossed his face as he said "I guess."

Undaunted Susan then turned on Lori. "You seriously allow this man to spank Dawson, that poor sweet innocent boy."

"Yes." Lori said as she steeled herself under her friend's judgmental gaze. "I allow him to spank him."

"Why would you do that?" Susan said as tears of anger formed in her eyes. "How could you let this man hurt your son?" That sweet boy does not deserve to be treated in such a horrible manner she thought.

"Because I believe it is the right thing to do."

"You didn't before you married him." Susan said shaking her head. "You would never have allowed such a thing before this man came into your life."

Mike Chesterson let out a small cough. "Actually she did spank him before marrying Pete." He then wiped his mouth with napkin. A memory of young Dawson getting a spanking at his house went through his mind. Dawson was eleven and went into a room that he was explicitly told not to go into. Lori did not hesitate to put him over her lap and make him regret that decision. He could still see the tears in Dawson's eyes as he apologized for his transgression. "That is why he is such a sweet boy because she did not spoil him."

"I never spanked my children and their perfectly fine."

Mike then let out a hard laugh. "Keep telling yourself that Susan." Susan then glowered at him. Mike ignored her and then turned to Pete. "I find nothing wrong in giving a boy a solid spanking when he needs it. I had my share in my day and I believe I am a better for it." He then added "As long as you don't go too far."

"He doesn't." Claudia said quickly.

Jamie then said "Yeah my brother can be strict but is fair." He then looked at Pete. "And I apologize for forgetting that." He then silently thought thank you for not being like dad.

"It's okay." He said.

"This is unbelievable." Susan said with indignation in her voice. "I refuse to sit a table with a man who thinks its okay to beat young boys like they're animals." She then looked at her husband and said "Let's go."

"Yes I think I have lost my appetite." He said and got up.

Jamie then thought how about that mine is starting to improve. He then smirked at this joke.

The other couple excused themselves and headed out as well.

As they walked the wife the said "I told you coming here was a mistake."

Allistair gave his wife an awkward look as he said "Perhaps we should call this a night."

"Maybe we should." Martha said.

The two were about to get up when Pete let out a sigh. "Please don't go. I know that little scene was not pleasant but it should not ruin the rest of our evening." He then saw Lori give him a small smile. "Please stay and finish your meal."

Allistair looked at his wife who nodded her head and he said "Okay."

Jamie looked at Allistair and said "Allistair when you visited the Louvre did you see the Wing Victory of Samothrace?"

Both Claudia and Allistair gave him surprised looks. "Why yes I did."

"Since when do you know about the Wing Victory of Samothrace?" Claudia asked.

"Since I looked the Louvre up on my phone." Jamie said. "I was looking at the different artworks they have exhibited and I think that one looks really cool."

A smile formed at the edges of Allistairs mouth as he said "I think it looks really awesome too." He then said "By the way I really like your tie."

"Thanks." Jamie said with a big smile as the two laughed.

Petefound himself relaxing for the first time that evening. Perhaps this evening won't be as horrible asI believed it would be

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