After Church

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It was a little after twelve when the morning service had ended. Ricky observed that Faith received another finger lashing from her mother much to the approval of Grace. She stood with a triumphant look across her face as her sister was dressed down. Ben seemed to have an uncomfortable look on his face as he watched.

Polly then ordered Ben to take his younger siblings out to the car. As they passed them Faith did not look at him. Ben said goodbye to him and Mickey as Grace gave Ricky a nasty look.

And then he saw it. Her sour expression was transformed into a pleasant smile as she looked at Mickey. She quickly turned her head when she saw that Ricky noticed and headed out the door.

Polly a few moments later made her way to Lori and told her that she would let her know if they can make dinner arrangements. A concern looked across his mother's face. Mr. Moore put his arm around his wife and told her that they should go.

"They don't stay long after church do they?" Mickey said.

"No they don't." Ricky replied. They did not seem much on socializing. They only time they seemed to stay after church is if the church was activities afterwards. But even they their mingling with other church members seemed limited. Ricky thought how his conversation with Ben this morning was probably the longest he had spoken with him.

Dawson then said "They're weird.

"And Dawson knows weird." Mickey teased.

"Like you know stupid." Dawson said much to Mickey's intense dislike. Jack then smirked earning him a glare from Mickey.

Mickey then said "I'm not the one who got a D in Earth Science."

"That was only because I didn't study for my final." Dawson said in defense.

"That is not really helping your case." Mickey shot back.

"Guys please stop." Ricky said exasperated.

"At least I know the difference between your and you're." Dawson said. He was constantly getting them mixed up when he posted on social media. It was a source of constant embarrassment. "While we are on the subject there is no such word as T-H-A-R-E." He thought how Mickey intended to use there but used thare instead.

Mickey's face began to twist in anger and Ricky was sure that at any moment he was going to hit his younger brother.

"Dawson stop it!"

Lori came up behind the boys and placed a hand on Mickey's shoulder. "Are we having problems boys?"

Mickey gave his mother a nervous and said "No mom."

Lori then looked at Dawson and asked "Dawson are you having any problems."

Dawson flashed him a nervous and did not make eye contact with him. "No ma'am."

Mickey then mouthed I am going to kill you to him and nervousness filled Dawson's eyes.

Lori put her arm around Mickey bringing him close to her and asked "Where do you want to eat this afternoon."

Mickey blinked in surprise. "I get to choose?" He thought how he had not choose where they would go eat in awhile.

"Yes anywhere you want to go honey."

"Except Frank's Burgers." Dawson said. "That place is disgusting." He was not able to look Mickey in the eyes as he spoke.

Mickey was about to tell Dawson that he was disgusting but Lori then said "Dawson it's his choice, if he wants to go to Frank's burgers than that is where we are going to go."

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