"You okay?" She asked softly while capping the small jar of his pills after counting them out. This was what her nights consisted of every single day, doing random things around his room as he slept because she worked the night shift. She could have went to her office and left him with a call button if she really wanted to, but she much rathered be in his presence even if he was sleeping.

It was weird to have him fast asleep, because Cepheus had terrible insomnia. He could stay up for days at a time and just not sleep, and that was usually how it was. But once Cassia began working the night shift, he somehow managed to get sleep every single night she was there. If she wasn't there, he didn't sleep. It wasn't even like he could control it, that's just how it was and he refused to question it or tell her.

"I'm straight." He mumbled, but she knew he was lying. She wouldn't press him though, but when it came to the point where he did want to tell her what was going on, she for sure would be there to listen to his every word.

Maneuvering through the room to double check everything was in order, Cassia could feel the eyes of Cepheus trailing all over her body, though she tried to ignore it. It wasn't easy, it wasn't easy because every single time his dark brown slits scanned over her, she felt a feeling that she'd never felt in the presence of anyone else. Almost as though it was a feeling of fullness that shouldn't ever be coming from another man, hell another person, who wasn't her husband.

"Why you so tense Dr. Amana?" Cassia froze, her eyes staying fixed on the window in front of her. She stared out at the dark sky, the only illumination of the night coming from the moon and different stars scattered along the face of the universe.

"You ever just stare out at the stars when it's night time, and think about how beautiful it is?" Cepheus raised an eyebrow, adjusting his body carefully as he sat up in the bed. The dim lights in the room were fitting for whatever conversation he was about to engage in with her, seeing as though this would be one of the first times they actually had a conversation that didn't revolve around the fact he was the patient and she was the doctor.

"Nah not really, I mean not these days. When I was younger I did with my momma, never really understood why people just laid and stared up at the stars though. Seemed pointless to me." Cepheus shrugged, his focus never coming off of Cassia who remained in her standing position. She looked so fascinated, a small twinkle sparkling in the corner of her eyes as she stared above.

"I wouldn't call it pointless...but it allows you to see and appreciate the inner beauty within in a sense. When you look at the stars from here, they just look like bright dots in the sky. But personally, I like to watch them because of the different shapes they can make. All coming together to make all types of beautiful shapes and signals, further showing that each of them have their own beauty. I mean they would have to in order to come together and create such gorgeous figures and stuff." Cassia smiled to herself, finally turning to be met with the eyes of Cepheus. "I used to always look out at the stars with Yannis."

Yannis, this being the second time Cepheus has heard this name since meeting Cassia for the first time. Glancing down at the bandages on his body, he ran his right hand over the one that covered his torso. Cassia watched his hand, seeing that it was time to take off the bandages since he was up. The wounds weren't bleeding anymore, so keeping the material on him was pointless.

"Who is Yannis?" Cepheus finally asked after a small moment of silence. Inhaling a sharp breath, Cassia released it with a shaky sigh as her small hands ran up the bare tattooed chest of Cepheus. His body relaxed at her touch, feeling a comforting sense of peace and certainty.

"My- he's my husband." She spoke just above a whisper, her eyes refusing to come into contact with those of Cepheus. Not because she was intimidated or scared, but because the name of her husband rolling off of her tongue while she stood with a man who she could feel herself becoming attracted to, wasn't an ideal situation. She felt a sense of guilt, though she hadn't yet done anything, she knew the thoughts that continued swarming her mind were wrong.

His dream, My nightmareWhere stories live. Discover now