The Voices and Visitor

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Hey hey hey! It's Impy here, bringing you another Alter Ego chapter! I've been putting this off for like- 4 days. Haha motivation go brrrrr.

There's a pretty nasty argument between Grian and someone so I thought I should let you know incase it's a trigger y'know-

Well, please enjoy!

743.4 words (Your welcome Pit)

Grain... What do you want?  I have told you my goal before. But you seem so attached to this place and to Mumbo... What if I rip it all away from you? GRAIN PLEASE NO! I'll gain control soon Grian. I'll take over and break your friendships don't you worry! Grain please... not again....

"Grian?" I heard a voice say.

My eyes opened and I saw Impulse and Mumbo sat in front of me, panicked and upset. I sighed before faking a smile.

"Grian what happened?" Mumbo asked.

"What do you mean? I'm fine!" I responded.

"No Grian. You are not fine. You stopped talking to us and were crying your eyes out within 10 seconds of when you stopped talking. Your clearly not ok." Impulse responded, his voice carrying the same distress as when he first came in.

"Look, you two. I'm fine. I've been fine and I'll always be fine."

Impulse stood up and left the room, knowing that we would probably want some private time together. Mumbo looked into my eyes, his filled with tears. I wipe his tears and kiss him, feeling bad that Grain made him worried about me. He broke away and I just sighed, knowing my thoughts and tears burnt like acid in his skin. He held me close and kept crying. I wiped his tears and called Impulse back into the room. As he entered, he was shaking as badly as when he first arrived. I sighed and hugged them both, knowing their full concern.

"Look... It's Grain...." I said, my voice shaking in worry

"Grain?" Mumbo questioned.

"Yeah... My main alter ego... He threatened to take everyone away from me again...."

"I thought the helmet limited his strength..?" Impulse mumbled.

"Yeah... It is... but I guess he's just... too strong.?"

We sat in silence for a while before we heard another knock at the door. I stood up and opened it.


"Hey. I was wondering if Impulse was here?"

"And you are?"

"Tango. Tango Tek. This is Zedaph behind me."

"Why would you want to see Impulse?"

"Why is it your concern?"

"Because unlike you, we appreciate him for who he is and we don't say 'I don't want to see your disgrace of a face again' and want to see him again!"


"Now get out of my sight."


"Get. out. of. my. sight. Tango."


"Why? Why?! Why?! Your asking ME why you should get out of my sight and leave, when it was YOU who hurt Impulse. He came to me, crying because of what you two said. I've only heard that one line, I only met Impulse like an hour ago, and I'm standing up for him. You should learn some manners."

I slammed the door shut and went back upstairs, my thoughts full of rage. I enter the room with Mumbo and Impulse in. Impulse was crying and Mumbo was hugging him in support. I sat next to the two and held Impulse close, trying to calm him down. Mumbo smiled and hugged the two of us. My negative thoughts were not helping with Grain and the others. 

That idiot... I want to kill him... Then do it! He deserves to die, right? Yeah he does but there's no respawn here... So? Just do it! I don't want to be exiled again Grain. Why? You don't want to spend time with me Grian? No. Your just a manipulative spoiled brat. I know Grian. I don't want to be this way. I'm just forced... Don't lie. You enjoy being evil. I do enjoy it. What you don't know is the corruption forced me to be this way. Be happy my brother isn't corrupted. Your brother? Yes. My brother. I'll leave you alone now Grian as your boyfriend and best friend are worried.

I open my eyes to see the two boys hugging me, clearly concerned. I giggled slightly and hugged them back.

"If I zone out it's probably me talking to Grain." I reassure them

"What did he say?" Mumbo asked.

"Well.. Tango was at the door and pissed me off and my negative thoughts were uhhh... influencing him to say stuff..."

The two look at me before I got up again. I giggled as their faces looked at me, confused.

"I want to go explore! Like, I haven't seen anything anywhere other than the spawn, here, Iskall's tree and Mumbo's megabase! I want to see other bases and this shopping district place! Pleaseeeee guys!"

What's gunna happen next? Also, Tango and Grian fighting?! Ok please someone actually put theories here because it's depressing how I ask for theories and nobody gives me them. Ok bye-

Friendship is yes. Also we're meeting someone new soon. :)


Alter Ego (A Hermitcraft AU) ((Currently On Hold))Where stories live. Discover now