- The Boy Who Cried Wolf -

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   " I wanna hold your hand and go to the other side of the earth."


You were used to hearing things like, " Light is Kira! There is a 90% change that he is." or " If I die during this case, it's because of Light." Things like that.

To be honest, you never always believed L.

In the beginning you did believe him , but as time went on, you began to stop believing that Light was Kira.

You liked to compare L to the boy who cried wolf.

' Light is Kira.' and ' Help! There's a wolf!' started to sound the same.

It got to the point to where it's all you would hear.

" Enough! Light is not Kira. You locked him and Misa up for months and ran your little experiments. Nothing happened." Is just one of the many things you would tell him.

You were always quick to apologize to Light.

" Honestly (Y/N), you don't have to apologize! I'm used to it, so don't sweat it!" Light says and give you a closed eye smile.

" Are you sure? It's not right to accuse someone of being a mass murderer." You would tell him.

" It's fine." He reassured you.


" Watari? Watari, are you okay?!" L yelled through his computer.

The room was painted red due to the lights.

You looked around and started to feel panic well up inside you.

" What's happening?!" Matsuda yelled.

" Let's all stay calm." You say, trying to calm everyone, including yourself, down.

L was about to say something when he suddenly fell to the left.

Light caught him.

" Ryuzaki! Ryuzaki come on!" He yells at him.

" Wait, where's the Shinigami?!" Light yelled.

You all look around in a panic. The Shinigami was gone.

" First L and Watari, now us?! We're all going to die!" Light yelled.

Then the red lights stopped, but the panic didn't.

You ran over to Light and L.

Taking his hand into yours, you start to tear up when you didn't feel a pulse.

" I'm sorry (Y/N)." Light says and pats your shoulder.

You felt your mouth go dry as tears finally fell.


At L's funeral, you were trying not to cry but failed.

" We're sorry (Y/N)." The chief apologized.

You simply nodded, too sad to form words.

" We'll give you some time alone." Matsuda said.

Everyone left leaving you standing at L's grave.

Sitting on the grass near the tombstone, you wiped the tears from your eyes.

" I'm sorry..." you said and ran your fingers over the carved letters.

" You didn't deserve it. I love you L." Your voice cracked at the end.

You'd never be able to hug him and smell the scent of coffee.

You wouldn't be able to bake a strawberry cake without feeling sad.

You'd never see L again.

You hugged your knees to your chest as the wind blew through your hair.

It wasn't a good day like all the other ones.


After L died, you frequently visited his grave to tell him how the case was going, but today, you were going there to apologize.

It was just after Light had been caught as Kira.

At that moment, you felt like vomiting.

L said the same thing, yet you didn't believe him.

If you had backed him up, then maybe he would have still been alive. Maybe you could've brought Kira to justice quicker.

But now wasn't the time to think about that.

You walk towards his grave, flowers and lollipops in hand.

You place the flowers on the floor and sit on your knees.

" I'm so sorry. I should've believed you. Please forgive me. If I had defended you, then maybe you'd be alive. I'm so sorry L. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

You cried and apologized.

Turns out the boy who cried wolf was right.


(A/N: I started writing this at like 4 in the morning and it's currently 6:37 so sorry if it's not as good as my other ones.)

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