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Description : Angst.


What meaning is left of the fallen planet's remaining life?


You loved L with all of your heart.

Both of you had grown up together in Wammy's House and became close friends.

There at the house, you and L had fallen in love!

Him and you were happy together, until L suddenly disappeared.

Heartbroken, you returned to your room where you found an envelope with '(Y/N)' written on the front.

You opened the letter and started to read

'Dear (Y/N) (L/N),

    Hello (Y/N). I hope you are doing well. I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly. I moved to Japan to become a detective. In the envelope I have left a bracelet. It's half of a heart, and I have the other half. When your allowed to leave Wammy's House, please come and visit me. I need my other half so my heart can be complete. Take care and look after Mello, Matt, and Near for me. I'll be waiting for you, no matter how long it takes. That's a promise.

                                                L Lawliet.'

The letter had you in tears, but you could feel your heart being put at ease from the letter.

He promised to wait for you and for all the years you've known him, he's never once broke a promise.

You put on the bracelet and tucked the letter under your pillow, hoping you would dream of L later that night.

After patting down your clothes, you got up and went to go find Matt, wanting to play some video games.


Years past. Mello, Matt and Near had all left.

(A/N: I know they left after L died but just pretend they left before he died.)

You wanted to go with them, but you had to track down where L was.

You had already tried to ask Roger but he responded with the old , " That information is strictly classified."

It was another sleepless night, trying to find where L was.

There were notes on top of notes on where L could be in your room.

You were beginning to lose hope until, " No way....I FOUND HIM!"

You stood from your chair and started to cheer.

You heard your door slam open.

There stood an angry looking Roger.

" (Y/N) (L/N)! Have you any idea what time it is?! You've woken up the children! Go to sleep this instant!"

Roger slams the door closed, making the small room shake.

You laughed but then started to tear up.

After years of trying to find L, you finally found him!

Booking it to the closest, you grabbed your suit case and backpack before stuffing some clothes into your suitcase.

You put some notes into a folder and put them in your backpack.

After booking a flight, you went to bed, the happiest you've been in a while.


Once morning came, you jumped out of bed and grabbed your suitcase. You looked around your room for the last time before stepping out the door.

You said goodbye to all the children, then turned towards Roger.

" I'll tell him you said hi." He nods, knowing that the only reason you were still here was to track L down.

Now, on your way to Tokyo, Japan.


You twist the bracelet around your hand in nervousness.

You contacted the Task Force and told them you knew L and Watari.

At first they didn't believe you, but after a lot of convincing and confirmation from Watari, they finally let you see him and L.

Today was the day you were finally going to be reunited with your one true love.

They said you had to speak with Watari before you could see L.

You had no problem with seeing Watari again and were honestly quite excited.

Watari greeted you with a kind smile and bow. 

Bowing back, you started to ask how he and L had been.

" We've been great, what about you and Roger? I haven't seen you since you were a child and I haven't seen Roger in a while either."

" We're both good! Roger is ....Roger, but he's taking great care of the children!" You tell the older man.

" How wonderful! I suppose your wondering where L is?" He asks.

" Yes! Where is he?" You respond excitingly.

" He's at the park near head quarters." A look of realization dawned on him. " B-But he's wi-"

" Great! Thank you so much Watari!" You say and run out the door.

" Oh goodness, they'll be heartbroken." Watari says, frowning with disappointment.

You felt the cool wind touch your face as you ran into the park.

You looked around until you saw someone with black hair and pale skin. They turned around and you saw that it was L.

You ran towards him.

" L! I missed you so mu-" You stopped dead in your tracks.

You saw him kissing someone else. They had their hands intertwined, and matching heart bracelets. A pair that you and L were supposed to share.

You felt your heart shattering into pieces as tears welled up in your eyes and slipped down your cheeks.

You spent years trying to find him, only to see him in love with someone else.

You saw him look up and spot you, crying silently with a look of shock and pure betrayal on your face.

His eyes widened before saying,

  " (Y/N)...?"

  How are you? I'm doing okay.
Unlike my heart, that feels like it'll explode.
The temperature right now is -248 degrees.


(A/N : The title is a BTS song, and same goes with the ending and beginning sentences. I really hope you enjoyed this oneshot as it was really fun to make! Remember to drink water and eat a snack! We are now eight oneshots away from 50! Thank you guys so much! I love and appreciate each and every one of you!)

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