Scarlett and Amanda heard the news a day later. Amanda was writing her graduation speech and Scarlett was reading when they both heard the news from their parents.
They met up at the playground where they've first met Brooklyn. Sat on the bench as they couldn't find the words. Amanda didn't know Sam too well apart from what Brooklyn told her over the years, but she knew he was a great guy. She knew that he was fun to be around, she knew him for his great party's and his way of messing with people.
She couldn't believe that he was dead.
Scarlett, didn't know Sam that well either, but she knew he was Brooklyn's first love. And she felt terrible about everything that happens between him and her that hurt Brooklyn.
Brooklyn... who was most likely also dead. Amanda couldn't even cry, she blamed herself a little for everything that happened between her and Scarlett. She kept Scarletts secret, and that secret tore their friendship apart. And now she had no way of making it right.
Scarlett felt her stomach curling in on itself every time she thought about Brook. She cried in silence, watching the swing move as the wind blew and her salty tears rolled down her cheeks  rapidly. How could she be dead? How could they both be? She felt guilty, even if she felt that Brooklyn might've forgiven her at one point, now it was all gone, she was gone and she died hating her...
They sat on that bench in an empty playground for hours that day. Remembering Brooklyn and their friendship with her. Regretting ever being pushy with her, regretting pushing her away from themselves.

Alex left town a week later. So did Aidan not much after that and everyone who knew Brook and Sam mourned. The whole town seemed to fall into a silent sleep. Condolences where given to the family's every day. Flowers and pictures left in the woods and the old house. No one understood what really happened but they knew that it was tragic.

Now, a month and a half later they all stood around two holes in the ground. Remembering the two for their best. Remember them as sweet children who died tragically as they shared fun stories about the two.
The two coffins where laid to rest just a few feet away from each other. One was filled with flowers and things Brooklyn loved, such as her favourite books, movies, pictures, posters, stuffed animals and jewellery. The family stood around as they all sprinkled dirt on top of the coffins one by one.
They smiled and cried in remembrance. Listening to the speeches each of them gave. And eventually, they all left.
The sun was setting and the family's went back to Mr Andrews house to continue the remembrance there.

One person still remaining in the graveyard. She has been there the whole time, keeping her distance from the rest of the family so she would not have to make conversation or have to answer questions about how she knew the deceased. But now that they where gone she walked up to Brooklyn's gravestone. Her heels sinking into the grass as she did.
The woman was average height, slim. She wore a long skin tight black dress, gloves that reached up to her upper arm, sunglasses and a sun hat as well as an umbrella to keep her out of the sun.
Her hair was long and black, but was tied back neatly in a bun. Her skin unusually pale and perfect. Her eyes emerald green fixated on the gravestone.
Her slightly red lips formed a smirk as she leaned closer to the grave.
"I know you're not dead ginger snap" She lowered her sunglasses, her green eyes shimmering in the setting sun.
"I'll find you" She smiled and walked away, leaving the graveyard with a promise.



"Checkmate" I threw my hands up as I cornered Aidans king with my Bishop.
"Not bad" Kyle admitted from behind me as Aidan stared at the board in confusion.
"How?" He looked over the board, neither of us where good at the game but with the help of Kyle I was able to win the whole game. He told me to focus on Aidan, and figure out what his next move would be. I knew Aidan pretty well, and he didn't think things through enough, I knew he would take all the obvious moves so I had time to think of how to counter them. Eventually winning the game.
I shrugged and he leaned back.
We where in the seeker dorm, the top floor to be exact, it was a library filled with books and chess tables for seekers to entertain themselves without having to socialise much. The windows where all blocked by heavy dark curtains that shinned in the candle light. The carpets where a dark ruby red and the wallpaper a dark grey. The whole dorm building had a dark atmosphere surrounding it. The dorm was furthest away from the feeder dorms where I woke up on my first day here. And closest to the cafeteria that sat in the far corner of the camp. The watchtower was in the middle of course, not far from
It where the drainers dorm and a little farther from that was the elders building which was the largest on camp. Over all every building sat pretty far away from each other but the seekers liked to think they had the most secluded and peaceful spot. They liked to think they where superior to other vampires because of their abilities The seekers didn't talk much, when they did it was to make sure they let people know they where superior by either a harsh comment or by the way they stared, they just stared for a few seconds when they saw you. Their eyes making you nervous as they stared so deeply into you. Seekers could feel people's desires in the form of a vision if they focused enough. In my experience it was when they felt an emotion so strongly that they couldn't help but think of the thing that they wanted to do, or thought that they should've done. Like the time I saw how Alex wished he killed his sister. But everyday seekers seemed to only want to know why I was so unusual in the way I carried myself, and not what I wished for. One minute I was just as cool and stern as they where. Usually if I was uncomfortable or nervous, it was a great way to hide myself with a seekers expressionlessness. And in another minute I was loud and overcome by my emotions like a feeder, feeders had a hard time containing their feelings because they where so strong, which happened to me when I was angry or sad, those emotions usually both put the worst of me. And in other times, much more rarely, I was giddy and flirty, like a drainer. Drainer had the power to draw almost anyone in with their charms, my drainer came out when I was hanging out with other drainers like Astrid or if wanted to use my charms to get something. Seekers in their dorms didn't much like how unpredictable I was sometimes. Kyle, was the only one that tolerated my craziness. I liked to think it was because he came to actually like me, but it was most likely because he got used to me over the month and a half he's been mentoring me. He hated when I got emotional, it felt like he hated emotions all together by the way he always looked emotionless. But in reality he wanted to teach me how to control my emotions, the way seekers did. He also didn't much like when my drainer came out, he got uncomfortable when I flirted with him. I knew I wasn't his type, no one was I realised. Love and sex just wasn't something he was interested in.
I was not jet fully trained in my seeker powers yet. To my disappointment.
Kyle was instructed by Nicolai, my vampire elder to train me. But so far he has only taught me hand to hand combat. He said I'd have to learn how to control myself and my emotions if I ever wanted to learn how to read people's desires or learn how to shape shift. Which was what today was about. To get me focused, to make sure I could read my opponent and figure out what they'll do before they did. To think like a seeker. So eventually I'll think and fight like one too.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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