Chapter 16

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Harry's point of view
Paul came back in looking around the perimeter but Ellie wasn't with him.
"I'm sorry Harry she we could find her"
"It's ok Paul"
Just then everyone heard something that sounded like a phone. I went searching for the phone that we heard and it was Ellie's.
"Guys it Ellie's phone and it's a message from the unknown number"
"Harry read the message" Paul said
I opened the message and I almost cried. "ThepersonhasEllie"
"What Harry what did you say?" Louis said.
"The person has Ellie" I said
"Oh no we have to find out who the person is and where they are" Paul said
Ellie's point of view
I wake up in a strange place that I wasn't in when I went to sleep. I began to worry will I ever get to see my brother or the lads again. I felt a warm tear on my face and I knew I was crying. "Oh good your up" a voice said
"W-who are you and why am I here"
"Well first of all I'm the unknown number and second your here because I need money and the only way for me to get my money is for your bother and friends to give it to me."
"What do you think will make them give you money"
"Well your not going to see them again until they do."
"Ok so how much are you asking for"
"Silly girl that's not of your business now I'm going to need you to be quiet and to make sure you do your going back to sleep"
Then I felt something sharp go in to my arm and then everything went black.

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