chapter 11

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Ellie's point of view

"ELLIE" harry said "h-harry where am i". i knew where i was i was just under medication "y-your in the hospital you had and accident in the kitchen and we called for an ambulance". it all became clear to me now i just broke up a fight between liam and zayn. then i went into the kitchen for a snack. being the short person i am i had to climb up on the counter to get my snack. when i climbed on the counter i slipped on some water that was never cleaned up and i fell and that was the last thing i remembered. "now i remember what happen i was on the counter trying to get a snack because I'm short and i slipped on some water that was never cleaned up" i said.

zayns point of view

Ellie just told us what happened in the kitchen and harry was talking to her when i heard something out side i went to the window and saw a bunch of fans screaming. "guys we need to find a way to get out of here and fast' i said " zayn bud whats wrong' they asked. i don't want Ellie to get scared but i had to tell them. "the fans found us and we have to leave" i told them. 'but Ellie cant go without the doctors approval" harry said. shit i forgot about that, just then the nurse came in and said that since Ellie is awake she can leave. we let her get dressed and then harry picked her up bridal style and we ran out the door.

Ellie's point of view

i got dressed the harry picked me up and ran out the door. "don't listen to what they say" he told me "just keep your head down and don't look up until i say its okay". i do what I'm told and i her girls screaming and people asking a lot of questions. one person yelled "whose the girl harry and girlfriend" another one said "whose the slut with harry don't she know that hes mine". i could feel Harry's grip tighten telling me he was mad. then all the questions and screams stopped and i was out down. "are you okay Ellie" liam asked i nod signaling yes. "what was that' i asked worried. "those where are fans Ellie and paparazzi" harry said. oh yeah i forgot they were a famous boyband. (a/n note that she is not a fan only Skye is a fan). just then my phone goes off and it was an unknown number.

Kidnapped by one direction Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ