Chapter 9

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Ellie's point of view
So after our little moment at Skye's we went home. when we approached the door I heard what sounded like fighting we ran inside and found louis in a ball in the corner, zayn and Liam arguing about who knows what. I being me runs to Zayn and Liam. "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU JUST STOP!" I yelled they then stopped and looked at me. "what the bloody hell were you two fighting about" "Ellie just just back away from us I don't want you to get hurt" "no not until you tell me why you and zayn were fighting" "zayn and louis decided to do a prank war and pranked me and I got ticked off over it that's why" "liam you have Louis in the corner scared to death" I said pointing at louis "oh sorry Lou" Liam says to louis "it okay Liam" Louis said. I turned around walking to get my stuff I dropped and Harry and Niall are in shock. "H-how did you know what to do" "Harry I had some experience in elementary school" I said.
Harry's point of view
I just saw Ellie break up a fight with Liam and Zayn. i can't believe she she broke up a fight when the rest of us trying to break up a fight between them it takes 3 hours for them to stop. Then out of nowhere we all here and loud bang coming from the kitchen. we all run in their and was my sister on the floor in a pool of blood.
Liam's point of view
Ellie just broke up a fight between me and Zayn and then went into the kitchen after that we heard a bang coming from the kitchen when we went in there we saw Ellie on the floor in a pool of blood.
Louis's point of view
After seeing Ellie on the floor I ran to the phone and called 9-1-1 I told them what we knew and asked for a ambulance. i saw Harry pacing back and forth in the living room then we all heard sirens and we knew what it was. just then paramedics came rushing in the kitchen over to Ellie and carrying her to the ambulance.

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