Girlfriend Corporation: Thirty Five

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"I just wanted to know why you didn't tell us.. No. Ryujin doesn't know. And I don't have plans on telling her.. at least not now.. She's coping up with it, okay? I won't ruin it for her this time.. Do you think this is just some bullshit for you? You're playing with my best friend's life! Because of what? Fucking money?! How much do we owe you? Enough to mess up with my best friend's head? I won't let you, okay? I swear.. No. This isn't a threat nor an empty one. This is a mere warning.. Sure. After my contract with Yuna, I'm quitting.. And I'll drag Ryujin with me.. You think I'm not capable of bringing Ryujin with me? I'll just have to do my best to convince her that you're fucking with us.. You can't stop me.. No. Ryujin might not agree with me but.. I'll make sure of it. And if I have to pay for all of the things you've helped her with, I would. You can just tell me how much.. I only agreed to be an employee in your corporation because.. How much do you fucking know? Seriously, I'm telling you politely to fuck off. I'm not playing this time." Then it went quiet. All I can hear was the ragged and heavy breathing of Chaeryeong.

Who was she talking to? And what does she mean by.. quitting? And dragging Jin Unnie with her? What was that conversation about?! She's quitting after.. our contract? Was there a chance that that was about the corporation? And what was the reason why she was in the corporation in the first place?

And this is actually the first time I heard her curse someone like that. Was it that serious? And it involves Jin Unnie. What the heck are they?! I'm so lost.. and curious. I calmed myself and after a few minutes, I entered the kitchen and saw her staring at nothing in particular. She was clearly spacing out.

I pulled a chair in front of her causing for her to flinch in surprise at my sudden intrusion. "Hey. Are you alright?"

"Yeah. Just thinking about something. Do you want to go out? I can't breathe at these people in here." I know it was an excuse for her to have sometime for herself and I don't blame her. That conversation of hers earlier sounded intense enough to be stressed out.

"I still have to help Lia Unnie, I'm sorry. You can go out alone if you want?" I would love to go with her but, I think it would be better for her to be alone at this time. I know she wouldn't tell me anything anyway. What's the point of coming with her?

"Okay. I understand. I'll go out for a few minutes, okay? Call me if you need anything." Chaeryeong got up and walked towards my direction and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. She was about to walk out but I call her name.

"I think you'll need this." I threw the car keys towards her direction and she catch it. Chaeryeong raised an eyebrow recognizing who it belongs to.

"Did you just let me borrow a car that wasn't yours in the first place?" Chaeryeong chuckled again. I wonder how someone could be this feminine though. If I don't know any better, I would have thought that she's the straightest person out there. But, hey. Women are beautiful. Cant blame those people who was turned.

"Quiet. She wouldn't need it anyway." I winked and smiled at her genuinely.

"Thank you, love. I'll be right back, okay?" I nodded my head and sighed when I heard the front door shut lightly.

Why do I have the feeling as to where she's going?


Lia's Point of View..

I took a heavy sigh when slowly, the people that my mother had brought was leaving. I was surprised when I woke up, my mom was on the living room, casually sitting sipping on her tea while holding up her tablet for work. I tried on numerous dresses and gowns for my 22nd birthday. Which is not even that important if you ask me. I already planned on how my birthday would actually be like; 24 hours of sleep. And now, it was ruined.

Girlfriend CorporationNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ