"Yeah, although it suits you.. but you should change," Jungkook murmured, eyes now glued to the tan honey skin exposed, shifting to that glint that Taehyung was still unable to name properly.

Taehyung, extremely flustered, grabbed the towel and rushed to the door but a hand stopped him.

"You can't be running like that hun. Wait here, I'll bring that." Jungkook stopped him, his words sounding a mixture of stern yet soft and he quickly left the room, not before making him sit on the bed.

Taehyung sat there while blinking to understand the new situation.

"Seriously, never seen a man this whipped for someone."

Baekhyun snickered and Taehyung rolled his eyes but his expression quickly changed when Jungkook was already back with his clothes.

"You can change here. I'm going for the bath." Jungkook handed him and walked to the closet to grab some clothes for himself and then entered the bathroom.

Baekhyun whistled at that but Taehyung deep breath and walked to the closet to change. He was changing when an idea hit his mind. His eyes fell on the locker but needed a password for that to get into what he was there for... he was so close, yet so far.

Grumbling at the bad luck, he changed and walked out of the closet to face Jungkook who just came out of the bathroom, wet hairs falling on his face while a towel was around his neck.

Taehyung gulped down before taking a few steps ahead and standing in front of Jungkook who cocked his brow.

Events from last night wanted him to stop but the recent ones made him do more. His mind wasn't working much to avoid the person standing in front of him and having that battle in his dazed brain, his hands stretched and grabbed the towel, doing the same that the other male did with him, but his eyes were cast downwards, missing the soft smile on the raventte's face.

Jungkook silently let him do so for a while then stopped him, softly taking the hand still having the now slightly wet towel. "Don't stand for long hun." Taehyung frowned at that.

"You still need rest. Han strictly said me to take proper care of you." Saying that Jungkook again leads him to the bed, keeping that soft grip on his wrist and now the younger male took the hint. 

That's the reason for all care?

"So, breakfast?" Jungkook cleared his throat when Taehyung was back on the bed, awkwardly.

"Y- yeah. Hungry." Taehyung replied with a dazed expression. Jungkook nodded and left the room.

Once left alone, Taehyung noticed one thing, he didn't get any nightmares this time. Maybe, because of the heavy dose of the medicine, but he was happy about that.

"Tae? Are you ok now?"

Taehyung smiled hearing Jin's concerned voice. "I'm fine." He shortly replied, eyes scanning the room and stopped on a file. He felt his hands itching to get the file, so he got up and was about to reach it when the door suddenly opened.

"I told you to sit baby," Jungkook sighed heavily and Taehyung nodded like nothing happened.

They had breakfast in silence, although Jungkook was continuously glancing over at Taehyung who was totally oblivious to that, too focused on the healthy food. 

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