chapter 15: baby on the brain

Start from the beginning

"Baby," Harry walks outside to meet me with a small notebook pad "I'm going to the store, do you want anything?"

"Chicken nuggets please. The dino ones." I swim my way to the side of the pool together out with Kitty following me. "Okay dino nuggets it is. I'm leaving I'll be home in a few." He turned away after I said bye and left me.

Once I dried off I got dressed in something comfy. I went down to the end of the driveway to go grab our mail. On my way back up the driveway I begin to flip through the stack of mail.

Electricity bill.

Insurance bill.

Credit card bill.

Doctors bill.

Furniture store coupon.


I pull out a black envelope addresses to a Ms. Juliette S. Easterling. When I open the envelope there is a white card with gold and black trimming.

Please join us for a celebration of life in honor of the beloved

Richard George Easterling.
June 12, 1960 - September  22, 2020

Saturday, October 14, 2020

57 Beach Drive, Cumberland Foreside, ME 04110

RSVP to Rich 555.5555

My heart sinks to my stomach at the the sight in front of me. I can feel my heart begin to race and my eyes well of with tears but then again, I feel nothing. My whole body has gone numb. My father is gone.

My feet take me back to the house swiftly and I sit on the couch. My eyes are unfocused from my surroundings. I just sit there. I single tear had escaped my eyes but thats all. I have no emotions on this topic. Did my dad play a huge part in making my life a living hell? Yes. But is he still my dad? Yes. No matter how hard I want to I can't put this behind me. Curse me for having a big, bleeding heart.

After 30 minutes of sulking in silence, Harry arrives home. "Babe you'll never guess who I ran into, wait are you okay?" He begins to walk over to where I was on the couch and he kneels down in front of me putting his hands on my knees where my hands were resting. I look up and give him a small smile, he has a small frown plastered on his face. "Yeah I'm alright sweetheart, who'd you see?"

"That doesn't matter right now, you okay? Is the baby okay?" His eyes widen at the thought of the baby being harmed in any way. "The baby is fine Harry, I'm fine, I just got some news that shocked me, I'm just in a bit of shock right now, now tell me who ya saw." I pull his hands so he stands up and sits next to me. When he does he hooks his arm under my knees and pulls me so I sitting just off of his lap and my legs are resting on him.

"Whats the news?" He ask me looking deep into my eyes so he can read into what I'm telling him. I reach over a grab the invitation and hand it to him. He takes it and begins to read and his head shoots up. He doesn't say anything to me but he sets the card down and wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest.

"Uh do you wanna go?" He finally ask me after a moment of peaceful silence. "I don't know." I have been trying to decide since I read the card but I can't decided. I don't want to see my mother or go back there but I also want to wish my father off. I feel like I'll regret it if I don't go but then again I know going back will only cause more pain.

"Well you need to RSVP soon since it is next week, my love."

"Will you go with me?" I will go if Harry comes but I cannot and will not do this on my own. "Of course I will, I'm never letting you go through that shit again, plus we are flying and I don't want you flying with a baby by yourself."  A big smile grows across his face as he says the last part.

He really only has baby on the brain.

Harry and I get up from our spot on the couch. I pull out my phone to RSVP for 2 and Harry goes into our bathroom to run a bath for us.

We had only been in the tub for a few minutes but I was slotted between Harrys legs laying on his chest as his head was buried in my neck.

His soft touches make me feel like I'm floating.

He got this rose oil stuff and he has been massaging my stomach very lightly, moving up to very lightly massage my breast since the were so sore and moving down to my thighs to give soft squeezes.

I genuinely be so lost without him.

I could not have been blessed with someone better to start a family with. If worst comes to worst and we break up, I know he'll still be present in our childs life.

I don't want to break up with him ever but I can't predict the future.

If he ended up wanting to leave me then I wouldn't hold it against him. I'm not the easiest to be with. I just want what's best for him at the end of the day. And if that is being away from me then I am more than okay with it.

But for now, I am going to stay in our bubble of peace and happiness.

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