chapter 31

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the ride back home was silent. i couldn't believe i fell for clay again. that's so fucking ridiculous. i threw my purse across my room with anger. "I HATE BOYS." i yell. all men do is lie. i hate this. i hear my phone vibrating right next to me so i look who it was. "of course it's george." i scoff. but i answered anyway. "what do you want." i breathed heavily. "y/n what happened. i want to know." george explains. "well what happened was that i was having the time of my life but clays ex announced that they were a thing. what else do you want to hear?" i snap at him. "i'm sorry i wasn't comprehending what was going on earlier." he says quietly. "is that all you want?"i ask. "yes actually." he says. i hang up the phone because clay can be at the house any minute and i didn't want george to get in trouble with him. i got up to go to my streaming area. streaming is the way i cope, my chat makes me feel loved.

-time skip-

after streaming, i went straight to my phone. i see not a lot of notifications, just twitter notifications and eli? i opened my phone and went straight to the message app.

Edit Messages

• eli 8:08 PM
hey! ik i haven't talked to you in a while but I wanted to as....
georgieee 3:44 PM
get ready we're coming soon
nick boyy Yesterday
call me on discord so we can play minecraft together
mother<3 3/01/21
love you too mom and yes i'll be safe

i clicked on his contact to see the full message.

< eli
hey! ik i haven't talked to you in awhile but i wanted to ask if you wanted to come with me to a party tmrw!

hey !! i didn't get ur text sorry, but i'll see if i can.

it was out of the blue that he asked. we haven't talked since the end of january. kind of weird he asked me out of everyone he knows but hey, atleast i'll have something to clear my mind with i guess. i go up to my calendar seeing it clear for tomorrow.

<                                         eli

i can actually go !! just text me when your going to get me

i'll be there at 8:10 PM


what? why the hell so late. well actually never mind, it's probably just a normal birthday party or whatever the party is about.

-time skip to next day-

i woke up pretty late. i went downstairs and grabbed two bagels and cream cheese. i pop the bagels in the toaster and grabbed a plate.


i grabbed the bagels out of the toaster and spread  cream cheese all over it. i took a bite out of it, looking at my phone. "it's 4?!?" i say to myself. i went through my messages and saw that george texted me.

< georgieee

hey y/n wanna hang later?


i turned off my phone and continued eating my bagels.

-time skip sorry D:-

i checked the time and it was 6. i decided it would be best for me to get ready. i went to my wardrobe seeing a pile of unfolded clothes. i went through all my clothes until I saw the perfect outfit. i grabbed black jeans, my white turtle neck, and a cute sweater to top it off.

&quot; 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 &quot; ((~dre x reader~))Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя