chapter 30

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y/n's pov:
i got a call from george a couple minutes ago. him and nick are going to take me out and they're probably just taking me out so i can take my mind off of clay. i grabbed my curling iron from my bathroom plugging it in the plug. i place it on top of my vanity and walked away from it. i went to my closet to see what i was going to wear and i had two options. option one is a white corset and black jeans and option two is a white milk maid dress. "i'll worry about my outfit later." i say to myself. i drop both outfits on my bed going to my curling iron.

i was half way finished with my hair until i hear my door bell ringing. "shit i'm not even ready."i whispered to myself. i ran downstairs peeking out the window if it was george or just the delivery guy. but it was george and nick. i opened the door greeting them inside. "why'd you guys come so quick. i'm not even ready." i stated while closing the door. "hurry up we don't have that much time. the uh- um place is going to close soon." george replied "your house is so nice." nick twirls around. "thanks okay i'm going to go back curling my hair. i'll be in my room." i say running up the stairs.

i finished curling my hair and rushed to my bed. i grabbed both of the outfits and shouted at nick. "nick what should i wear a corset and jeans or a dress." i say holding the outfits. "y/n it doesn't matter just wear something." nick exclaimed. i grunt and stomped my way to my room. he didn't even help me. i just decided to wear both the corset and dress.
outfit inspo

i grab my purse and shoes and headed my way downstairs

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i grab my purse and shoes and headed my way downstairs. "your wearing that?" george looks at me up and down. "well i didnt know what to wear so let's just go." i say making my eyes wide. "okay welp, y/n wear this." nick says handing me a black blindfold. "oh so it's a suprise, i see you guys." i smirk at them grabbing the blindfold. "alright i'll guide you to the car." george says grabbing my waist. my stomach swarmed with butterflies. fuck i don't even like him like that and i usually get butterflies when i like someone. what the hell is wrong with me. why am i even thinking about this. i brush off the thought and just let george lead me. i hear the car door open. he then picks me up then gently places me in the seat. "george look how long the drive is." nick states. "oh damn well y/n it's going to be a long drive." george whispers to me. "alright i'll just go to sleep." i say.

clays pov:
once i get to my destination , i see someone i know. "you got to be fucking kidding me." i say to myself. there i see my ex with the person she cheated with. why the fuck is she here. you know what, it's fine i don't think she's gonna do anything. i get out from my car getting the place ready. i take the blanket and the food out . i place the blanket on the dirt ground putting the food aside. i go back to the trunk and take out the drinks and candles. "this looks sickkk." i say to myself. i'm very proud what i'm doing. especially doing this without anyone. i hear my phone ringing in my car so i go see who it was. and it was george. "hey what's up?" i say. "we're at the destination but are we suppose to be at this mountain?" george asks. "um yes actually. there should be a dirt path going up." i explain. i hear george whispering to nick to follow the path. "she has a blindfold on right?" i ask. "yes dre- clay i'll see you in like 2 minutes." george says hanging up the phone. i go in my car to re park because my car was blocking the view of everything.

y/n's pov:
i wake up to george telling nick to follow something. "are we here yet? can i take it off?" i ask them. "NO" nick shouts. "okay okay." i say calmly. i feel the car shaking. i really hope we're not going hiking because if we do then my outfit is going to be fucked.

"alright y/n we're here." george sighs. i hear nick and george leaving the car. i then hear my door open. i feel george's hand grabbing my hands leading me outside. there was a cool breeze. "alright y/n on a count of three your going to take off your blindfold. 1...2...3!!" george exclaims. i take it off quickly seeing a tall bad ass man holding roses. there is no way he did this by himself. right beside him were food and candles. behind him was the beautiful sunset. i run up to him hugging him.

clays pov:
i see george and nick pull up. i signal them where to park. george and nick then leaves the car. nick came to me while george opened the door for y/n. "bro she'll love this." nick complemented. i was about to reply to him but y/n caught my eye. she's so beautiful and i really can't believe i missed out on this. george position her to look at me. "alright y/n on a count of three your going to take off your blindfold. 1...2...3" y/n takes off the blindfold quickly. she was just standing there examining everything. next thing you know, she came running to me. i drop the roses and picked her up. "i missed you y/n." i cried. "i missed you too." she whispers. i then place her down grabbing the roses from the floor. i give it to her and in return she gave me a smile. she sat down on the blanket taking the food out. "your hungry aren't you." i stated. "yes i haven't eaten all day now come and eat with me." she says.

-time skip-

after we were eating she laid down on me. i really didn't think i wouldn't see her with me again. i hear foot steps coming towards me thinking it was nick or george.

dream/clay's ex pov:
i saw clay placing down food and drinks on the mountain earlier. i knew he was going on a date, but like here? he showed me this place and only me and now he showed another fella this place. he doesn't deserve anyone that's better then me."hey let's start going im getting tired." my boyfriend speaks. "yeah me too." i reply to him. we both walk to the car until i see the little bitch laying down on clay. "hey, um start the car and um- uh ill be right back." i stutter. i leave the car walking towards to clay.

clays pov:
i look to my right just to see my ex. oh god here we go again. "clay what are you doing with another girl? i thought we had something." she says starting to cry. "what the hell are you talking about?" i ask. i look down at y/n seeing her looking at my ex. "clay are you kidding me? your now acting like we never became a thing again? you wasted my time just like 3 years ago." she says storming off. what the fuck is she talking about. we haven't interacted with her since then. "please tell me i didn't hear what i wanted to hear." y/n says getting up. "y/n i swear i haven't talked to her since we saw her at the beach. we were-" "first laney and now your toxic ex? how many girls are you dating. i really trusted you this time. i even gave you another chance but you ruined it again. i should've cancelled the hangout." y/n expresses herself. "y/n come on that was my TOXIC ex. she just came her to ruin what we have because she's jeal-". "save it. give each rose to every hoe you got." y/n says throwing the roses at me.

y/n's pov:
i regret life. i hate this world. why do men always do this. i run up to nicks car banging on george's window. "what's wrong?" george rushes his sentence. "let me in i'll explain later." i tell him. nick unlocks the door and i quickly get in. "take me home right now nick. hurry." i explain clearly. "what's going on y/n?" nick says turing on the car. "did you not just see what just happened? clays ex explained that he had a thing with her. i'm apparently just his side hoe." i cried. "what? there's no way." george says sarcastically. "are you kidding me george? why the hell would i just come banging on the window telling nick to bring me home?" i snap at him. "calm down y/n. everything will be okay." nick says. "that's what they all say." i scoff.

hi sorry this chapter isn't as good as the rest. i've been quite busy the past week but im on spring break so yeah😫🤌

" 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑘𝑛𝑒𝑤 𝑖 𝑙𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑑 𝑦𝑜𝑢 " ((~dre x reader~))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora