Gaster rubbed his forehead tiredly, knowing that nobody would make it out without some mental damage. He really shouldn't have agreed and just let them go to another AU. At least he couldn't see them create havoc when they were outside of Dragontale! "And last one; try not to make us all insane in just a few seconds. Wait a few minutes at least."

They didn't answer nor agreed to the rules that Gaster set, but he saw the unhidden mischievous glint in their eyes. They were going to do all the things that he said not to do and be damn proud of it. 'Perhaps I should have tried reverse psychology on them...'

Oh well, it was too late to escape his and his coworkers' doom now, anyway. He could only hope that they would have mercy on his SOUL and shorten his suffering quickly.

He sighed and took a magnetic card out of his chest pocket, gently placing it on the detector near the door. The door opened revealing...

"Another door? Are you that scared of someone stealing your researches?" Gaster shrugged, taking out keys from the same pocket and opening the second door. "I'm not the one who designed the building, Demise. But yeah, some things in there shouldn't be outside of the lab, so I guess it was a needed precaution."

He entered in the lab and kept the door open for Torment and Drako, who quickly went in, silently analyzing the interior of the building. It didn't look that much different from the other AUs' labs –without anime or instant noodles–, but they could see a clear difference. First of all, there wasn't just one scientist working here, so Monsters were running around the place with documents of all kind in their arms. Secondly, things were more organized; multiple stacks of documents were placed neatly on the few desks here and there, each desk having one or two computers showing different diagrams and complicated looking calculations and solutions. The place wasn't trashed like Alphys' lab was most of the time, leaving an open area to walk around and giving the lab a more professional atmosphere. It was also bigger and seemed to have a few more rooms that they would probably discover later.

Torment nodded to himself. "Your lab seems more organized than in most AUs. This is nice." Gaster smile proudly at this little compliment. "WeLl iN oThEr AUs It'S AlPhYS ThE ROyAL ScIenTiSt And ShE'S AlOne, iT sEEmS LoGiC ThaT ThIs LaB WouLD Be DiFFeRent."

"Well this is the main lab; I have my own one at another floor. This is where we'll go, if you don't mind." They nodded, knowing that Gaster was probably talking about this AU's True Lab. 'At least my coworkers' sanity should be safe for a few hours if they stay with me...'

They all started to walk toward the elevator when suddenly a Monster blocked their way, looking down on Gaster's new sons. Or at least he tried to, which wasn't really successful as he was smaller than them. Gaster could only sigh, internally cursing the Monster for the chaos that was about to enfold because of his haughty attitude.

"I didn't know that it was a 'bring your kids at work' day, Gaster. Couldn't find a baby-sitter for them?" Gaster just looked at him blankly, internally asking himself if this man would make it out alive. He doubted so, honestly, but maybe his sons would be merciful. Eh, who was he kidding, that man was already as good as dead.

He felt a shiver run down his spine when he heard all of them growl dangerously. Not just the dragons; all four of them were growling and glaring at the poor Monster. How he didn't run away yet was quite impressive. He opened his mouth to defend his kids, only for one of Torment's tentacle to gently push him out of the way before walking slowly toward the Monster with Drako. Said skeleton towered over the scientist, and if it wasn't for the aura that his SOUL was emitting and his young traits, they wouldn't have been able to know that he actually wasn't an adult. It was one way the Monsters could use to know how old someone was; their SOUL's aura served as an informant. They could always feel if a Monster was an adult or a child. Or, in this case, a teenager.

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