Taking Care [Ren Mihashi x Reader]

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"Thank you, I'll see you in a few months or so!" You sighed, walking back into your mothers car. You slammed the back seat door shut once you got in. Your mother looked at you in the car mirror, clearing her throat and started driving.

"I'll drop you off at the practice, ok? But you can't play." Your mother stated, driving back to the school. A small smile came on your lips, looking out the car window and seeing houses and trees pass by.

Your mother handed you a bag full of pens and markers that was full of colors. Taking the bag, you got ready to run to practice. Once your mother stopped the car, you quickly opened the door.

"Be careful (Y/N)!" She laughed, looking over at you with a smile. You rolled your eyes, closing the door and running to the field.


"To third then to first and back home!" Abe called, putting his face guard on and bending down to get into position. Mihashi threw the pitch that Abe assigned him. Once the ball hit his glove, he threw it to Izumi. Izumi then threw it to Tajima and he threw the ball back to home.

"That was awesome! Izumi, maybe throw it a bit faster. But that was perfect!" You smiled, walking to the shortstop zone is.

"Whoa! (Y/N) when did you get that?" Tajima asked, jogging over to you and tapping your left arm. The team surrounded you, all but Mihashi who was freaking out on the pitcher mound.

"My stupid cus threw a fastball and hit me in the arm yesterday. Broke two bones." You explain, once you said the last sentence, Mihashi let out a yelp in surprise and worry, making his way over to you.

"Ah! (Y/N) wil-will y-you be ok?" Mihashi stuttered, looking at your (f/c) cast then at you. You nodded your head with a smile as you spoke, "I'll have this for...two months. It usually takes twelve or six weeks but she wants to make sure, since I'm on a team." Once you said that last part, that boy felt like he was going to pass out. Even though you two started dating three weeks ago, he cares deeply about you.

"B-b-but..b-but you sa-said-" Mihashi mumbled, looking at his glove then at you. You sighed, placing your right hand on his shoulder, making him tense up.

"I know I said I'll practice with you, but the two months will end in no time!"


"Mihashi! Stop getting distracted!" Abe called, standing up and taking off his face guard. Mihashi yelped, fiddling with his glove and doing his diamond-like mouth. Abe sighed, walking over to the pitcher. Once he got to him, he crossed his arms and looked at him.

"Your worried about (Y/N), aren't you?" Mihashi looked at Abe, nodding his head at unhumanly speed. Abe slowly nodded his head, showing that he understood.

"Alright, um...I'll give you some work to do at home, ok? We will practice more today though..I'll tell Momoe-San." Abe explained, walking to the coach to explain what's going on. Mihashi smiled slightly, running over to you.

"-yeah, move your foot as you throw- oh hey Ren, what's up?" You asked, turning your attention onto your boyfriend. He did his diamond-like mouth one again, letting out a creepy giggle while he fiddled with his glove. You sighed, rubbing your temples with your right hand.

"Your worried about me. You do that face all the time when I'm hurt," he stopped giggling and put his attention onto you, surprised that you found out so soon. "How about this, I'll watch you practice for the two months no-stop and when I get my cast off you can watch!" He smiled slightly, pulling you into a hug. You giggled, hugging him back.


"Nice one Mihashi!" The catcher called to his pitcher. You watched them in awe, you never thought Ren could throw that fast in your life. 'Whoa! They are awesome!' You thought, tapping your cast with your finger nails which made that satisfying sound.

"Did you see that, (Y/N)?" Mihashi smiled, catching the ball and putting his attention into you.

"Yeah, that was amazing! I'm impressed." You smiled, pushing your hair out of your face.

"Did you hear that Mihashi? She said she's impressed with your skills." Abe smirked, trying to help the poor pitchers confidence. Mihashis face turned pink, swaying a bit. He soon stop when the other half of the battery called out for him. You let out a small giggle, now having your left arm resting in Tajima's hands. He scribbled onto your cast, having the maker cap sticking out of his mouth.

"Donesh!" He mumbled, taking out the cap and placing it back onto the assigned marker. Soon, Hanai took your arm and scribbled onto your cast as well, avoiding the black dotted lines on the cast.

"I want to go next!"

"Wait your turn, I'm going next!"

"Oh my god...we will all have a turn!"

"Yeah! Listen to Captain Az-Hanai!"

"You almost said his first name!"

"Ha! You are going to be dead, man."

You laughed, watching the team scribble something down into your cast. Surprisingly they guys were careful with your arm and they wrote their names with their writing. You red all of the messages that they wrote and soon stopped when you didn't find Ren.

"Ren! Come write something." You called, walking over to Maria and Chiyo to have them write on it. He gasped, popping his head around the corner of the dugout. You smiled, looking at Ren as red dusted his face. He jogged over to you with a small smile once you handed him your arm.

"I-Uh...I don't know what..what t-to write.." Ren confessed, fiddling with the pen what was in his hand.

"Just write whats on your mind!"


"Alright! You ready?" You nodded your head, placing your left arm on a table. The nurse let out a small laugh, reading the messages the boys left for you.

"This ones my favorite, 'Tajima was here' that's cleaver." She smiled, getting the saw out and putting her glasses on. You nodded your head, feeling Ren take your hand in his. She placed the saw at the top of the cast, cutting in and slowly making her way down to the bottom. Once she did the first cut, she went and did the second one.

"And...we are almost there!" She beamed, placing down the saw and grabbing the cast spreader. You sighed, glad you don't have to hear the saw anymore. She placed the cast spreader in the cuts, spreading them apart.

"And done," She smiled, cutting the padding and stockinette. You smiled, looking at your swollen arm. "Try to keep the movement to a minimum for your arm, but that's pretty much it!" You both got up, saying your 'thank you' as you left, going back into Naoe's car.

"How was it?" She asked, turning her body to face the two of you.

"It...it wa-wass a bit s-scary, b-but it was cool." Ren stuttered, placing his head on top of yours.

"It was really cool! Maybe next week we can practice together."

"Y-yeah, Id like...like t-that."

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