Tsukkikage-Childhood Friends

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A little background: Kageyama and Tsukishima knew each other for a couple of years when they were kids but Kageyama got into a car crash and was the only survivor and he had amnesia so he was given to his aunt. Kageyama then quit volleyball after what happened in junior high(this isn't a big part of the story tho). After the car crash, Tsukishima tried to forget about Kageyama and almost did but he still remembered his face. Also, Kageyama is smarter than in cannon and is in the same class as Tsukishima.



"Crap" Running my hands through my hair I keep pacing around my room. "Tsukki? Are you ok?" I hear Yams ask from across the room. "Ever since we started school you've been acting weird" I need to tell him. "Yams, there's something I need to tell you" He looks confused. "Hmm? What is it" I take a deep breath "I had a friend, before you and well, we promised each other that we would end up together but, he got in a car crash and got amnesia and moved away, Kageyama reminds me of him, I don't remember his name though" I pull a silver chain with a small locket on it out from under my shirt "Our mom's got these matching lockets for us, I remember asking his Auntie to make sure he keeps it" Yams looks at me sadly, 

"That's so sad, I hope you find him" I shake my head "I don't think I will but I can hope" Then Akiteru walks into my room, "Hey, Kei, Miwa wants to talk to you" I look at him "Who's Miwa?" He looks confused then remembers that I don't know her. "Your friend's older sister we kept in touch after the car crash" Yams looks excited "You get to meet him Tsukki!" I look at Akiteru "What does she want?" 

"She wants to know if you will meet with Tobio after school tomorrow. You two go to the same school so it won't be too hard" Wait we go to the same school? "Sure" I answer.


Ugggg Tsukishima is really annoying. He looks kinda familiar though, for some reason I can't remember anything from before I was 12. Miwa then walks into my room "Are you trying to remember things from before you got in that car crash again?" 

I nod "Yeah, can you tell me about it?" She nods and sits on my bed "I should tell you and give you this" She pulls out a silver chain with a small locket on it "Your mom and your friend's mom got these matching lockets for you. He was a blonde boy, pretty tall for his age and I still talk to his older brother. 

You two were inseparable and had sleepovers almost all the time" She laughs a little "You even promised each other that you would be boyfriends in the future" She smiles and I turn red "W-what was his name?" I ask "Oh, I don't know if he wants you to know. I'll ask and maybe you two can go on a little date" I turn a brighter shade of red if it's possible. 

Miwa pickups up her phone and dials someone "Hey, Akiteru. Tobio wants to meet your little brother can you ask him if he'll meet?" A few mins later she hangs up and turns to me. "You guys will meet at Kei's house after school! Akiteru even said that you go to the same school" Wait, Kei? "Tsukishima?!" She nods "So you know him?" I look at the floor 

"Yeah, I do" The next school day was pain itself, seeing Tsukishima in class made me really nervous. After our classes, I wait for someone named Akiteru? I don't really remember, I've had memory problems since the car crash. I pull the locket out from under my shirt and open it, inside is a picture of me and Tsukishima as kids.

Ugggg why can't I remember? Then I see Tsukishima walk to the gym? Oh yeah, I have to wait a little Tsukishima plays volleyball

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Ugggg why can't I remember? Then I see Tsukishima walk to the gym? Oh yeah, I have to wait a little Tsukishima plays volleyball.

 It wouldn't hurt to take a peek. I walk over to the gym and watch as the Team plays, Tsukishima is tall compared to them. As I watch I don't notice someone sneak up behind me. "hello" I turn around surprised "Uhh who are you?" He doesn't look surprised "I'm Ennoshita Chikara. You?" Who? "Oh, I'm Kageyama Tobio" Then I see Tsukishima look at me in surprise. "No way," He says "Yes way dumbass" 

I replied rolling my eyes. "Do you actually remember?" He says while walking towards me. (The whole team rn: 👁👄👁) "No" I shake my head disappointed at myself "But I do have this" I pull out the locket and his eyes widen. "It really is you" I roll my eyes again "No shit Sherlock" That, may have annoyed him "TSUKKI WHO'S THAT" I hear a little kid? yell. 

"Uhh hello? I'm Kageyama Tobio" The kid looks at me in awe "IM NISHINOYA YUU" so he's not a kid "What are you doing here Kageyama?" I look at him. Damm, he's short, "I'm waiting for Kei" He blushes? Ohhhh I feel my face heat up, I called him by his first name (feeling the embarrassment even tho I'm not there) "So uh, when does this club end?" Ennoshita answers me "Oh, it ends in around half an hour" As I wait I study how they play, Ennoshita has some confidence issues, Tsukishima is obviously not trying, the little one with the orange hair is good at jumping but he is too trusting and looks to be new to volleyball. 

The green-haired one is not very good at anything but he's trying. The silver-haired one is very good at his position. The short one from earlier, Nishinoya I believe, is surprisingly good I think he's a libero. Then there's the one that looks like an adult, I think he's the ace. Suddenly Takeda-sensei runs in the door "I DID IT! WE HAVE A MATCH WITH NEKOMA IN A WEEK" Nekoma? Oh yeah, the Cats vs Crow's thingy. After practice, an adult comes up to be "Tobio! You look so different than when I last saw you" Tsukishima then comes up to us "Hey Akiteru"

"Kei you lack enthusiasm"

"I don't really care" I look between the two brothers "Are we gonna go or?" We start walking "So Tsukishima?" 

"Yeah?" they both reply "Kei, Uhh what do you like?" He thinks for a sec "Well I like dinosaurs and Strawberry shortcake" 

"Cool," I reply "How about you?" I take a moment to think "Well I like to play volleyball and I like milk" Akiteru looks dreamy a bit "Yeah, I remember you two used to play volleyball all the time together, You should play together sometime" I think for a second "hmmm...


Haha! Cliffhanger 

Sorry about the cliffhanger I've been working on this chapter since March 7th and I just needed to publish it.



*walks downstairs* "Amelia just give Eleanor the $200" 



"I wish I was never born"

"ME TOO YOU THINK I WANTED THIS" *points to Eleanor*


Word Count: 1239

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