My favorite ship ever Asanoya! Somwhat Songfic Heather

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It was my birthday so, I'm writing Asanoya! 

This is a songfic if you didn't guess already. Also, I'm in it! 


~Asahi pov~

"AZU-SAN" I turn around to see Melody running towards me. "Oh, hey Mel" She looks happier than normal, oh right, it's her birthday. "Happy birthday Mel" She looks at me with a curious expression "You seem sad, what's wrong?" How did she know? I'm gonna try to play it off "What do you mean?" 

"You know what I men Azu-san" Dammit I forgot she knows. "Ok you got me, look it's just that" I trail off "Just what?" she says waiting for an answer "Just that, Noya has a girlfriend" She looks down "Oh, sorry, if you want you can vent anytime" I see Noya kissing a girl in the corner of my eye "Is it ok if I come after school?" I see her eyeing Eleanor, ofc 

"Yeah that's fine," she says in a dreamy tone. The whole day is tough, seeing Noya breaks my heart because of how happy he seems. During practice isn't too bad because Melody is one of the managers so she helps me forget Noya, somewhat. 

"Azu-san let's go" Melody starts dragging me towards my house, it's closer so we usually go there. "Mel, I-i saw it, the confession, h-he told her t-that h-he liked h-her an-and she accepted an-and I-i" She wraps her arms around me "Shh, calm down. Azu what is her name?" I think for a little bit oh yeah, should I tell her? Duck it "I-its, Eleanor" She continues hugging me 

"There is a school talent show do you want to enter as a duet, I know singing helps both of us" She looks at my face "I kissed Eleanor but she doesn't like me so I think I have a good song" Me and Mel have been practicing for a couple of months now and its time to go up in the talent show. We step onto the stage as she starts,


Melody's singing is going to be in bold, Asahi's singing is going to be underlined, and flashbacks are italicized. Also, the lyrics aren't exact for My(melody) part because it is from a girl's pov for another girl.

I still remember the third of December, you in my sweater
I said it looked better on you than it did me

December 3rd  Melody was cursing at herself for forgetting her sweater. "Dammit, idiot brain" as she walked she bumped into someone "sorry" she looked up it was Eleanor "Oh are you cold?" Melody nods "Here have my sweater it's a bit small on me anyway" Melody takes it "Won't you be cold?" Eleanor shakes her head "It's ok"

If only you could see how much I liked you
But I watch your eyes as he walks
What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
He's got you mesmerized while I die

As Nishinoya walks by Melody notices how Eleanor would blush and stare and that would break her heart

Why would you ever kiss me?

Eleanor kissed Melody on the cheek

I'm not even half as pretty
He gave you his sweater, it's just polyester

Nishinoya saw Eleanor was cold after giving Melody her sweater so he gave her his

But you like him better
I love you Heather

Watching from afar was Melody as Eleanor and Nishinoya made memories. Little did they know that Melody was dying   

Watch as she stands with her, holding your hand
Put your arm 'round her shoulder, now I'm getting colder

Asahi watches as Nishinoya and Eleanor walk hand in hand and when someone hits on her he put his arm around her shoulder. Asahi feels colder watching his crush and someone else doing the things he wants to do

But how could I hate her, she's such an angel
But then again, kinda wish she were dead as she walks

Before Nishinoya and Eleanor got together every time she walked by Nishinoya would watch with a dreamy look in his eyes that Asahi wished was for him

What a sight for sore eyes
Brighter than the blue sky
She's got you mesmerized while I die
Why would you ever kiss me?

At a party, Nishinoya kissed Asahi

I'm not even half as pretty
You gave her your sweater, it's just polyester

Nishinoya noticed how cold Eleanor was and gave her his sweater

But you like her better

Nishinoya was always ranting about how pretty and kind Eleanor was

I wish I were Heather
Oh, I wish I were Heather
Oh, oh, wish I were Heather

Why would you ever kiss me?

I'm not even half as pretty
He gave you his sweater, it's just polyester
But you like him better
Wish I were

~Melody pov~

When I open my eyes there wasn't a dry eye in sight. I look over to Asahi and notice his eyes are still closed "Hey, Azu-san you can open your eyes" When he opens his eyes he looks astonished at all the people applauding us. We exit the stage and soon enough it's time to announce the winners, The announcer over the intercom says "In 3rd place Nishinoya and Eleanor with their magic act! In 2nd place, Tanaka with his guitar solo! And in 1st place" He pauses for suspense "Asahi and Melody with their duet!" the crowd erupts with cheers, I start tearing up "We won, We won!" Asahi looks at me "Yeah Mel, we won"

Haikyuu oneshots with some story ideas.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu