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This is for Kinto_Un. Who suggested this ship to me.

Also if you read this book and have any ship or plot(that's not smut) go ahead and just comment anywhere in this book. (preferably on the request page tho)

This plot is going to be all over the place also y/n is in this story as Morisuke's sister


Yaku was off his game today, everyone noticed it. His receives weren't as good and he seemed to be in a different world. Even when Lev made a short joke at him he didn't do anything. That is when everyone knew something was wrong. "Hey, Yakkun?" Kuroo said that was not a good idea it turns out. "What" He snapped at the Captain of Nekoma. "Jeez, I just wanted to know if you're ok, you seem off today" Yaku rubbed his temple "Yea, I'm fine. I just" He trailed off. "Well I think that you should take a break today" Yaku runs his hands through his hair, "I guess you're right" Yaku decides to take a detour to get his mind off his crush. When did I start feeling this way? Stupid rooster head, with his hot abs and... Yaku shook his head. He got home and decided to text his sister, y/n, 

Morisuke: Hey, Y/n?

Y/n: Yea Mori?

Morisuke: I might need help

With a crush

Y/n: lemmie guess.... hmm Kuroo?

Morisuke: ...


Morisuke: Yea....

Yaku started blushing at his phone. Welp, I'm never living this down Yaku then looks at his phone

Y/n: here's the plan

Ima tag along to your volleyball practice so you don't chicken out

You are going to confess to that rooster head and if you don't I'm making fun of your hight 

You will do it

You know what I can do

Morisuke: *scared shitless* ok

Y/n: good

~The next day irl~

As the Yaku siblings go into the gym some of the boys stare at Y/n, well until Yaku death glares at them. "Well, what do we have here?" Mori turns around "This is my sister Y/n Yaku and she will be watching practice" Y/n punches Mori's arm "Jeez Mori, stop being so serious" Kuroo hyena laughs "See even your sister agrees Yakkun" Yaku just glares at him "Also, Yaku wants to tell you something Kuroo" 

"Y/n" he whispers angrily "What?" You smile innocently. "Can we go somewhere private?" Kuroo nods "Don't die" Y/n whispers to Kuroo even tho she knows what's going on. 

~With Kuroyaku~

"Ok, look. I'm not the best at words but, IreallylikeyouandIwannabeinarelationshipwithyouwillyoubemyboyfriend?"

(I really like you and I wanna be in a relationship with you will you be my boyfriend?)

"Of course Yakkun!" Kuroo said his face turning a bit red.


Sorry about these getting shorter, writers block hates me, (I only need plots details are easy to do) and school is a pain in the ass. N E ways Yea, umm ideas pls. Idrc what ship, although if it is a ship including the Miya twins I am ok with it as long as it is three people not just the 2 of them.

Word count: 521

Haikyuu oneshots with some story ideas.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن