Lev x Kenma-Sick

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Heyo! This story was suggested by Wise_old_lady

"Hey, Melody? Have you seen my shirt?"


Shut up Amelia

"Oh, wait. I forgot Amelia borrowed it"

*Laughing so hard it's kinda like Kuroo's laugh*

Let's just get into the story 

*Still laughing*


~Kenma pov(I think)~

"Kuroo you idiot!" I rage quit the game. Well, I would have to go anyway my way-too-tall-for-his-own-good boyfriend was coming home right about now. "Kenma why did you leave?"

"I have to go anyway, it 7:45"

"Ooh, so Lev's going to come back from his modeling job?" "He would be a good model" "Yea he would"

"Yea" I go to the bed and lie down. I start to feel hot, I take off my shirt hoping that it would help. I end up falling asleep. When I wake up there is a blanket on me and a towel on my head. Lev rushes into the room. "Oh, Kozu (Omfg that name is cute{I know after like half a year that that's his surname, not his first name but I love that nickname so it's staying}) you're awake" I groan and try to get up. Lev pushes me back down. "No, Kozu you're sick" No wonder "I made you soup" Lev handed me some soup. It's actually good. "I didn't know you could cook Lev" 

"Oh I can, it's just I like your cooking better" I roll my eyes "I'm making you cook more"

"Oh, come on"

"No changing my mind"

"Ok" I shake my head, he is such a baby. He's my baby. "My single ass is crying Melody" (oh shut up I'm single too) Lev then gets on the bed with me. "What are you doing?! You're going to get sick"

"At least I get to be with you" You're too sweet lev  "Aww thx Kozu" 

"I said that out loud?" I feel my face heat up even more. "Yup!"  By then it was 9:00 and we fell asleep cuddling.


Sorry, that was a bit short, I'm better at writing confessions or like secrets. 

"Yea but you're horrible at confessing yourself"

Stop exposing me

"Nah it's fun"

"What are you talking about? Also, Melody are you sick, your face is a bit red"

Nope I'm fine 

Word count: 350

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