Chapter 5

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Cling ..... Clang ........

The sound of the cutlery striking the plate echoed through the dining room as I was staring at my now cold food while processing the new found information about my to-be step family!

" Putta ? Why aren't you eating? Aren't you hungry? Is the lunch not good? ", My mom asked breaking me from the chain of thoughts.

Truth to be told, I am so scared of what their reaction would be if they get to know that they are going to have a step sister. Will they accept me as their sister? Will they accept Ma? What if they give me a cold shoulder? There are millions of what ifs swimming through my brain, that it can explode any moment now.

" No ma. The food is good. But .... it's just that ...... I don't have an appetite ...... That's all. Don't bother yourself too much. ", I assured her.

" Is ..... it about ......... Dee..pak? ", She asked while I nodded slowly.

" Ma, actually I goog ..led him. ", I stuttered getting scared of what her reaction would be.

" You googled him? ", She asked.

" Y..e .... sss ma! ", I managed to say.

" It's okay dear. I am not mad at you. Tell me, what did you find about him? ", She asked.

" Well, for starters he is the chairman if Malhotra Corporations ...... ", I began explaining what all I found out about him.

" Huff !! Ma? Are you really gonna marry that guy? Do you really love him? Does he really love you? Does he know about me? What about his sons? ", I started shooting questions at her.

" Listen ......... I really love him and so does he. I informed him that I told you about him. For how many days can we keep this a secret? So, he has no problem with it. Infact, he is very happy and excited to meet you. ", Mom finished. Her voice was laced with sincerity and excitement that I can't comprehend anything.

"What? He is excited? To meet me?", I asked with disbelief written all over my face.

"Yes putta, he wishes to meet you. So next Friday get ready. We are gonna meet your soon to be step father", she said.

Woah!! Did that just happen? Am I gonna meet the biggest billionaire of the country? My to-be step father? Wow!!!

"Really ma? Are we gonna meet him?", I asked while she nodded enthusiastically.

After a minute of silence, mom suddenly asked me a question.

"Baccha? Are you happy with this marriage? Like, I know I am old and stuff but are you happy that I am getting married?", she asked which surprised me.

"Of course ma! I am so happy for you. I may not be your real daughter but you had always treated me as one. After all that you had gone through, you deserve the utmost happiness in the world. It would be so selfish of me to not accept your happiness. I am forever grateful for you!", I said while small tears formed in my eyes.

"Thank you putta! You may be young, but you never fail to understand me!", she said while trapping me in big and much needed hug while planting a small kiss on my forehead to show her love.

Of course, she deserves all the love and happiness in the world!!!

Of course, she deserves all the love and happiness in the world!!!

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Author's pov :-

"Is everyone present here?", the man sitting at head of the table enquired. He oozed an aura of power and confidence. The maids present there shuddered under his strong deep voice.

"Pa, everyone is here expect for Abhi bhaiya.", a man who is relatively younger than the other people present in the table replied.

"Aarav is correct, Abhi bhaiya is busy with a phone call. He will be here in a minute or two Pa!", his brother Arvind supported him.

"Okay!", the man said.

Just then the said person entered the dining room table. The person who was called as Abhi bhaiya by his brothers, was none other than Abhimanyu Malhotra, the young business magnate of India. His very presence could drop down the temperature of the surrounding. His one cold gaze is enough to bury a person six feet into the ground. He is said to be the Man of Perfection. No wonder why he is a successful businessman.

"Bhaiya is here!", his brother Vikram Malhotra or Vikku Bhai as called by his brothers announced.

"Okay boys, sit down! I have an announcement to make!", the man, or more like their father, Deepak Malhotra said. The boys complied to their father's order and took a seat while the maids began serving.

"Pa? What's the announcement you wanted to make? Is it about the company? Are you opening any new branch abroad?", Vijay - his third son asked.

"No! It's about Devika Varma!", he corrected.

"You mean, Ms. Devika Varma, the owner of Varma & Co. right?", his elder son Abhi tried to remember as much as possible.

"Yeah! I remember her! She got us ice creams when she once visited our house, right?", the younger ones asked.

"Yeah!", their father cleared their doubt.

"Weren't you dating her Pa?", Abhi interjected.

"Yeah we were dating. And now we decided to take our relationship to the next level!!", Deepak said while others were trying to comprehend what was going on.

"What do you mean Pa?", Vijay asked.

"I mean that, we are planning to get married next month!", their father threw the bomb while the others were bracing themselves from it's impact.

"And not only that! You are also going to have a step sister!", he threw another bomb.

"What? Does that mean she is pregnant or something?", Aarav asked making his father chuckle.

"No beta! It's not like that! She has a daughter. So when we marry, she becomes your step sister", he explained earning an 'oh' from him.

"So... When's the marriage Pa?", Vikram asked.

"It's next month! But we haven't planned the date yet.", he clarified.

"How is the marriage going to be Pa?", Arvind asked this time.

"It's going to be a register marriage. We don't want to leak any news.", Deepak said while the others nodded while eating.

"When are we going to meet them formally Pa?", Vijay asked.

"I am meeting her daughter next Friday. And next Sunday all of us are going to meet them. Okay?", he said.

"Okay!!", all said in unison and resumed eating.


Author's Section :-

Hey peeps. Please don't kill me. First, sorry for the cliffhanger. Second, sorry for not updating yesterday. I had a very mild stomach ache. So I couldn't update. Now, this chapter is also longer. And this is also the first chapter which is formally introducing the Malhotras. Anyways thanks for checking out my another new chapter. Stay safe. Byeeeeeeeee

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Updated :- 01/04/2021
Word count :- 1150 to 1200

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