Chapter Part 31

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Once he was wrapped up he smiled at her and Josie and spoke with warmth, "Now this is more like it. How about whilst you get Joshie cleaned up, I'll ring the Chinese place and get delivery? I don't want to go back out in the rain and we didn't catch any fish. Plus, I want some more of their yummy short soup." All in agreement he left while Judy continued to tend to her son.


A very contented Henry awoke from an almost dreamless sleep. In the few moments before waking, he was sure he heard water running. It had woken up his bladder which was now screaming at him to get up. Walking into the bathroom he could see what had called to him, apart from the now loud raindrops falling on the roof he stood before the large bathtub that was filled with hot bubbly water. Marnie still covered in her lacey outfit was pouring scented oils into the tub. She looked up at him smiling as she asked, "Was it the rain or me running the water that woke you?"

Chuckling he replied looking around for the toilet, "It was more my bladder hearing the running water that woke me. Sorry princess do you mind?" His hand gesturing to his need.

Marnie giggled at the naked man, "Go ahead, After what we just did and the months of helping you pee, I'm not worried unless you want me to step out?"

A large grin etched further into his face then morphed into smirk. "Well, I guess we really are like an old married couple if we can pee in front of each other and not be turned off." His smirk faulted as she peeled off her lacy items and stepped into the water. Her body was turned away from him but the shape of her back and curve of her rear end began to impede his efforts to pee.

Unaware that her actions had muted Henry she replied in a casual manner, "I guess you're right after everything we have been through it does seem like that." Sinking into the hot water she giggled to herself, she had finally gained enough bravado to be naked near him. The bubbles now covered her and grabbing a loofah and soap, she spoke, trying out a new nickname and hoping her bravado would not falter once she faced him again. "Hen, would you like to join me?" Her eyes finally fell on his, seeing the familiar lust filled eyes rather than the sweet jovial ones from before startled her making her drop the soap.

Giggles and laughter broke the sexual tension as Marnie dove for the soap. Able to finish and flushing the toilet, Henry stood and decided to light a few candles. Not only did it soften the lighting once the room light was off but it quickly dealt with the smell. The light flickering caused shadows to cast over his princess. Her innocence and pure joy she had shown earlier in wanting to pleasure him had only deepened his love and affection for her. The giggles continued from the bath and he could only surmise she was back to feeling nervous as he instructed her to move forward as he stepped behind her. Stretching his legs out his arms reached for her pulling her up between his legs settling her against his chest. He felt her tense for a moment before she melted against him. Resting his arms around her tummy and his chin on her should he whispered "Is this ok?"

Marnie was finally skin on skin with her man, and she knew now that he was all man. The little side of him had completely disappeared. Even when he was having fun, it was not in a childlike manner, but deep, contented adult fun. She could feel the hard planes of his stomach beneath her and the semi resting against her back. Hearing his words as they tickled past her ear sending shivers down her back and to her core, caused her to tense and then melt again. How could mere breath against her skin cause such a reaction? She smiled, turning her head to look at him, bringing them face to face. "This is exactly how I'd imagined sharing a bath, bubbles, candles and a hot guy behind me," she smirked as he blushed at her statement. She bought a wet bubble covered hand up and bopped him on the nose, "Yes, this is perfect."

Baby Boy Henry (Complete) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang