Introduction (Edited)

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Baby Boy Henry Published Version 20/04/2021

Hello beautiful readers, before you move to the next page I wish to make a short note.

For the past few weeks, I have fallen down the rabbit hole of Caregiver / Little stories. Some have been so beautiful that they broke my heart. Others have been downright horrible. As is fitting my title all stories written on this page are about my obsession, my muse Henry Cavill and the characters he portrays. This genre does not fit his persona as he exudes a dominant personality. However, I also know he is a brilliant actor and the thought hit me what would happen if he was fulfilling a girlfriend's fantasy and got stuck in headspace and what if, she was a horrible person and kicked him out whilst still in headspace.

This is the premise for my story and so disclaimer, if MDLB (Mommy Dom / Little Boy) stories are not your cup of tea I don't mind you skipping this one. But if you are intrigued ........ please join me on an unusual Journey.


A/N Well hello reader, I was having a conversation with someone this week about how some parts of this story made her cringe as it is a true fan fiction about Henry and not one of his Characters. But as she kept reading it kept her interest and now, she really wants to know what will happen next. The issue was she thought I was going to just leave it as a mummy dom, little boy story and she just could not see Henry living that lifestyle. As stated in my introduction and I'm glad she bought this up, this story is not a traditional MDLB story it just has elements. I want to say at this point that there are people who live this lifestyle and it really helps them. It's a safe relationship the brings them happiness. In the Case of my Fictional Henry, this is different from the traditional MDLB lifestyle, the circumstances surrounding his age regression are different and we will work towards helping him age. As all my stories are with Henry as the focus, I have written him into this story with that in mind. If you have any questions or want to discuss my story arch to help ease my fellow Cavilliers minds around my intent I am very happy to talk to you :)   

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