Chapter 23 (Edited)

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Chapter 23

Light giggles filled the air waking Henry from a sound sleep. He had not been sleeping well since Ma had failed to return to the house that fateful day. But last night had been an amazing sleep. He felt a warm body straddling his own thankfully sitting on his stomach and not lower. Something soft and warm touched his nose then more light giggles. Groaning he tried to open his eyes only to almost go cross-eyed trying to focus on the face that was mere inches from his own. The soft brown curls danced around her face and her Hazel eyes were wide with amusement. He felt trapped like a magnetic pull was drawing him closer to those soft pink lips. He moved a pinch closer until the light giggle happened again, looking into her eyes it all but hit him that she was not herself.

Looking back at those lips he screwed his eyes tight trying to get a hold of himself. He couldn't let their first real kiss outside of when he was little, be when she was not in her right mind. He sank his head as far back into the pillow to gain some distance. A slight frown creased her forehead as she said "Are you my Pwince?" trying his best to remain calm at this turn of events he smiled as best he could and responded "I think so, you are my princess so that makes me your prince" she screwed up her face at the comment sitting back a bit as she said "You stinky bwef" the comical look on her face made him laugh a deep happy laugh, "Well little girl, I need to brush my teeth then I won't have stinky breath."

Worry knotted at his gut trying to think how he was going shift her off his body, with her sitting where she was an awkward situation had begun growing. He needed to get some distance but she had him pinned. Thinking fast he smiled and tried to talk in a way he would not blow his stinky breath over her, clenching his teeth he said "well princess, how about we get up and make ourselves pretty" This seemed to do the trick, she bounced lightly on his stomach causing him to groan before jumping off and dancing around the room "Yay we gets to be pwitty"

Getting up he walked over to her and took her hand and led her to the bathroom. First, he helped her to go potty, then he lifted her up onto the sink her legs swinging back and forth as he helped her brushed her teeth. Smiling at her in encouragement he said "That's it open wide" she opened as wide as she could her continued giggles causing the toothpaste to froth in her mouth and spill over her chin. Chuckling at the site of the prim and clean Ma now covered in toothpaste froth he said "ok sweet girl, time to spit it out into the sink" Immediately she clamped her lips closed and shook her head. Amused at her antics he asked, "but don't you want to go have breakfast, you need to spit out to make room for some yummy toast and jam." At that comment she turned and spat into the sink, he used a towel to wipe the remainder from her face as she said "Buts I wan to make bubbles"

Realising why she had wanted to keep the concoction in her mouth he said "well how about after breakfast we can make bubbles to blow outside?" this lightened her mood and the giggles returned. Grateful she was smiling again he bent and retrieved a spare toothbrush from her well-organised cupboards. Standing again he put some toothpaste on it and ran it under that tap all the while Marnie was gabbling on about something he couldn't understand. That was until she let out an all mighty screech causing him to drop the toothbrush. Marnie snatched it up quickly saying, "Nuuuu dats my job" internally he groaned, putting on a now fake smile he replied "ok little girl, have at it "opening his mouth he almost tripped as she manhandled him so he was now standing between her legs "Dats better" she said as she stuck the toothbrush in his mouth.

Apart from being most uncomfortable in his current position, he was surprised at how gentle she was being. She managed to get all his teeth and even his tongue without making him gag. Smiling him she spoke very cheekily "Otay, you spit now" taking his cue he leant forward and spat in the bowl. Coming back to his position again he let forward and chuckled before saying "Ok, breath inspection princess, am I still stinky?" he opened his mouth and breathed gently on her. She sniffed at the air her eye creasing as he smiles "ouu smell ike minty, is my bref otay?" Henry leaned in as she opened her mouth and took a whiff "yup, all minty and fresh" the two giggled together as he picked her up and took her by the hand out into the room then towards the kitchen.

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